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Choice of colors?

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A few weeks ago I played a small skirmish for around 600 points of troops.

I used a normal chaos marine squad as a proxy for Khorne beserkers. To see what the result would give if I used a bunch of them

bloodthirsty fighters. The end battle was very exciting and the beserkers made the difference in the end.


Now for the real question I'm posting.

I bought a box of Khorne Beserkers since they are too good not to have in your army.

Since I'm playing with the Word Bearers, I'm wondering how to paint the Khorne Beserkers.

I've seen people just paint the head in the original World Eaters colors and the body in the colors of the chapter.

Is that an option? I mean fluf wise?

Or do you paint them entirely in the chapter colors you're playing with no refence to the World Eaters?

Or anyone has any idea's or suggestions?

I've been checking out screenshots from the game Dawn of War. They seem way different from the normal World Eaters.

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It all depends, are your Berzerkers from a World Eater warband operating alone, or are they World Eaters in service of another Warband or Legion.


@Tanhausen: I'll take a look at it. I like the red with silver lining from the Word Bearers.


@Brother Nihm: Dunno tbh, My main force is a Word Bearer army, wanted to add some Beserkers to it since I had a good result with them.

I presume they are Khorne Beserkers dedicated to the Word Bearers Legion.


Fluf-wise I can't give em a Khorne icon since WB are Chaos Undivided. But many players put aside the fluf part and go for a more

versatile army with a bit of everything. Anyway, if I wanted to play fluf-wise I'll prolly throw in Lesser daemons or another chaos marine squad instead.

From what I've read, they are cannon fodder anyway. Like a squad of cultists.

I like the red with silver lining from the Word Bearers.


I presume they are Khorne Beserkers dedicated to the Word Bearers Legion.


Fluf-wise I can't give em a Khorne icon since WB are Chaos Undivided.


If you like the Word Bearers colors, and are assuming they are dedicated to the Word Bearers Legion, then paint them in the Word Bearers colors. It's really up to you how to interpret what Chaos Undivided means to your warband, and I don't believe that Berserkers all have to be from the World Eaters originally. A squad or two of Word Bearers blessed by one particular god doesn't take away from the idea that the Legion pushes all of the gods as a whole. In my opinion, anyway, an the current codex really makes this the direction that GW is pushing us anyway.


Khorne Berserkers don't take Icons unless it's a Personal Icon for the Skull Champion. They don't need an Icon of Khorne since they automatically come with the Mark of Khorne anyway, so the Personal Icon is just for summoning Lesser Daemons.

I too love the red with silver lining. I've got 2 camera phone pictures of my Aspiring Champion in my gallery. I used the Khorne Emblems because, for one. Berzerkers worship Khorne, and a Chaos Undivided army in my eyes have always been Chaos working in conjunction for the fall of the Imperium (our group plays Imperium vs Ruinous Powers, so I'm free to mix Entities as well as full Chaos Daemon army pieces in to my liking).



I'll probably go for the red with silver lining on the power armour for my Khorne Beserkers.

Nice model, Redemption.

I'm gonna post a progression on my models. So if any of you can give me advice on where to improve on my painting skills.

I've always painted model cars and tanks. So painting models is sorta new to me.

And also because I haven't painted anything in the last 10 years.

Thank you. Once I'm satisfied with them I'll take "real" pictures of them I suppose. So far I've been more focused on building myself but the Word Bearers color scheme has been my favorite out of everything in the codex that is within my skill level.


How do you normally do the Word Bearers Red? This one was done primed in black then a few straight coats of blood red, though on my other models I've layered in some scab red and red gore myself.

I used a black undercoat first, then I painted it with mechrite red as my foundation color.

After that I drybrushed all the flat surfaces with flat red, trying not to cover it entirely.

(see first picture below of my chaos marine squad)

Trying to keep away from the edges. After that painting all silver lining with mithril silver.

Wash it entirely with devlan mud, not too excessive. More of a thin layer.

With a small paintbrush I then went over the edges and joints using badab black.

Which in turn gave a good effect.

I'm happy with my first results.

Feel free to comment, I'm always looking for some good advice.


My chaos marine squad




Here's my aspiring champion. He's washed and only need to do some highlights and coat it with varnish.





Very Nice! I especially like the champion. The power weapon is a nice effect. For now I have a makeshift blood on mine using layers of red gore, scab red and blood red, then by accident I got glue on part of it then decided to rub it in over the stain to give it a freshly sprayed look.


Also, this is gonna come off making me sound like newbie, but what exactly is a wash? I know its a very diluted paint to seep into the cracks, but does GW actually sell that? Do you make your own? I've never actually used one before seeing as I'm pretty new to the hobby myself. I'm up in the air about my army color scheme at the moment. I'm considering a warm black mixed with Mechrite Red and silver trimming for the main body forces, or Mechrite with and Blood Red with silver trimming.


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