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Sanguinary Guard as a Troop Choice


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Nice work bro..

I've recently decided to run Dante with HG (with the melta/flamer weapon we have been talking about)

But I also wanna use dantes ability to take SG as troops so bearing in mind Dante will already have a retinue of HG

What would be the best way to run/use my SG troop unit?

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Heh... read the BoLS article. ;)


G ;)


I just have read you article but you are talking about using them with Dante where as I already have Dante attached to HG so I'm wondering what else to pair them with, maybe just a sang priest with jp?

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Sang Guard + Sang Priest is an excellent combo with or without Dante attached. Just be sure that whatever you assault them into isn't going to be too much for their small size to deal with (or multi assault with 2 units). Avoid Termy blobs of 10, 5 regular termies or LC termies should be fine for 5 SG to handle with FC, but I'd avoid TH/SS termies. SG chew through most any troop in the game and with 2+ saves and FnP can weather a ton of shooting (especially if your opponents like to overload on Missile Launchers like a lot of my local players do.


My best experience's with using Dante have been attaching him to a full squad of ASM and a Sang Priest. This unit still puts out a lot of melta hurt on the drop and having those ASM around to cushion Dante has made him a lot more survivable in my opinion than with only an Honor Guard or Sanguinary Guard unit. Hit and Run is a phenominal ability do your best to not forget to us it, with H&R and a 10 man ASM backing him up I've had Dante arive on T2 and then spend the rest of the game popping around the board and assaulting whatever I want many times. It seems like when I add him to a HG or SG unit though their threat meter is huge and my opponents put a lot of effort into making them disappear. Having Dante, a mleta HG and some Sang Guard all plop on the board in the same turn can cause real target priority issues for your enemy (especially if all 3 units destroy what they were targeting).

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Nice article BO!


Coincidentally, that is exactly how I've been using my Dante/SG/Priest squad in my 1500 point DoA list, well almost, I only have one melta in the SG. The rest of the army is 2x 10 man ras another priest a libby and 5 VV.


What's ASM bro?
I'd assume ASsault Marine squad
Also can I attach Dante, the HG and the SG with a sang priest all together?
No. Two squads cannot join each other, but multiple ICs can join a squad.


-edit- FYI BO the main picture on your article isn't working.

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More of a run down of the Sanguinary guard plus gearing them really. Interesting read though.


I'd agree with the Comments about the vanus temple bit. The statement was interpreted wrongly by alot of people due to the misleading way its written. I'd suggest they edit to. I understand the sole intention was to give credit to the vanus temple. But claiming they invented the idea isn't true at all. it

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I didnt mean it that way for sure - but IIRC he was the first person here to post a fully painted SG army, right ?


G :blush:


He was to my knowledge , doesn't mean he created it though , posting pictures of a fully painted army does not mean you created the concept of it. I do remember hearing of the idea long before I heard of the army on here. I'm sure a simple bit of editing would fix the misunderstand on the part of the readers , to prevent further sarcastic comments of "I invented x" in the comments section.

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Great article BO.


Playing a friendly game tomorrow and I'll be trying a fully DoA list for the first time (normally run a hybrid list) with my first ever use of a SG squad (don't like to proxy). The article gave me some good ideas.

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Oh Lord, I forgot how much I hated that website. The comments challenge even the bar Youtube has set for stupidity.


Article wasn't bad, was mainly a how to equip the unit kind of deal. Saying boltgun's will have a hell of a time with 2+/4++, or Dante is evil with a Priest wasn't shocking, but I'm sure you didn't think you were introducing the wheel or anything. I would have liked to have seen tricky ways to set-up with a no-scatter descent , and what set-up's are tasty enough to be aggressive and drop in and nuke a tank off the bat, or something a bit more tactical.


I don't get all the fury about The Vanus Temple link though.

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"I would have liked to have seen tricky ways to set-up with a no-scatter descent..."


Let me take a shot at answering this here. My fundamental take on DoA is to play aggressively. That has always been my approach to the army and somewhere DV8 summed it up very well. That said and as pointed out in the article you don't want to trade a squad of Sanguinary for a chimera then get taken apart by plasma vets the next turn. It would be awesome if Sanguinary Guard Heroic Intervention but we all know they don't and there is no reason to play them that way. Dante makes them a scoring unit which is golden. Pair them with a Priest and they can shrug off small arms fire extremely well. I like to bring them on the table just outside the edge of my opponent's battle line. You know they won't scatter with Dante so a great tactic versus any shooty army is to drop behind cover as close as possible. IG fear the melta and assault so generally they will avoid the unit if possible if you place them well on the drop and that right there is all you need. The next turn you are in the best possible position to wreck and destroy the enemy. There should always be at least 25 percent cover on the table - if not you've got to be creative... For example sacrifice an assault squad to draw the enemy out into the open to create opportunities for the rest of your army - it's just like chess - you sacrifice a weaker part of your force to be in a better position to exploit the rest of your army.



"... and what set-up's are tasty enough to be aggressive and drop in and nuke a tank off the bat, or something a bit more tactical..."


I think I covered this above. The main thing is you want to get the most bang out of your Sanguiniary Guard. They are just too expensive point wise to play sloppily. I pretty much always deepstrike my entire DoA army regardless of what I'm up against. Keep your tactics simple and you are less likely to make any big mistakes.



About the Vanus Temple - I should have said this was the first Sanguinary Guard I ran across. Instead I said it's the first. It was a mistake on my part and the trolls there jumped on that, they are looking for any error in an article to make fun of and pull you down a peg or two - like I said it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. That is the nature of a troll as they focus on the negative and ignore the rest





G :P

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It only takes 3 people to completely derail a thread on the internet.


Personally I'd use Sanguinary Guard with just a Priest with a Power Weapon. If Dante is in the list, he'd be attached to a Meltagun armed Honour Guard squad to write off big armour threats.

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Not really, as he doesn't particularly buff a squad directly.


You can always leave the squad the turn after you drop in anyway. Nothing is stopping you. It's not like he can assault when he arrives anyway.

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