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Sanguinary Guard as a Troop Choice


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Lets keep this topic clear of whatever issues are occuring at BOLS.


Keep discussion to the article posted by BO and the topic of how to use Sanguinary Guard as Troops instead of trolling in comments on another website.

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Yeah, I'm gonna use Dante with the melta HG to get them to their target and then when more assualty troops pile in Dante will join the onslaught!
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The good thing is, you dont have to do either EVERY time. If there's some serious AV14 rolling around then dropping Dante with the Honour Guard is a good idea.


If there's lots of light armour then dropping the HG one place and the SG another with Dante is also viable.


Personally I would rather try to not Deep Srike SG in pie plate formation right next to my opponent. Much rather have them drop behind cover and use their jump packs to get into combat the next turn.

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I played in a 8000 point battle tonight. The opponent's team had a Demolisher on either side of their deployment so I used Dante to drop the SG into an open topped building to keep them safe then popped out the next turn to pop the Demolisher on my side using other wrecks to cut off any LOS to them. They took out all the vets plus Yarrick locking down that table quarter. You don't necessarily need the range of meltaguns when you've got the distance that jump infantry can cover quickly. Melta HG are going to get trashed in close combat... Even big blocks of guardsmen can drag them down. There is a lot more synergy attaching Dante to Sanguinary Guard in my opinion since his special rules are better geared towards close combat as opposed to shooting. Three infernus pistols at close range is just as good as four meltaguns seeing statically you need three shots on average to pop most any tank.


G :)

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