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Plausable reason to ally with Nids...


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A friend and I are going to be playing a doubles tourney soon and were trying to come up with a good reason why our armies are allied. The trouble is he's playing Tyranids and I can't think for the life of me why anyone would team up with the Nids or vice versa. The great devourer doesn't seem to particularly want or need allies and if I remember right Tyranids of seperate fleets don't even really consider any other Tyranid an "ally". The only thing we have come up with is a genestealer cult in the BA but I'd rather not go that route for a few reasons A) I like to think my BA are above it, and B ) it seems to me like the easy way out. If anyone has any sugestions I'd greatly appreciate your input.


Just a little aside about the tourney, it's a 2000 point game with each partner contributing 1000 points. Normal force organisation applies, minimum 3 color paint job required and WYSIWYG. I'm torn between a DoA list, and a heavy shooty all mech list. I think either could synergize decently with the Nid's, but I think possibly the DoA would be a little stronger as Nids don't have vehicles and maybe his MC's would distract high strength/low AP shots away from my units.

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Nids won't allie with anything as far as I know as they devour every living organism they come into contact with so coming up with fluff will be a toughie bro, goodluck coming up with something tho.
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People said similar things about Necrons.




A radical Inquisitor (and ally of the Blood Angels) has given them a psychic superweapon which allows them to, temporarily, control a Hive Fleet?


Or something that simply makes them "not ping as Targets" to the individuals of the swarm?

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game theory generally says that if you dont consider something a threat when there is another threat present you will attack the greatest threat to your survival first and leave the secondary threat later, How this applies to you is that your not allies in the traditional sense but consider your opponents the greater threat and the tyranid swarm is willing to deal with your oponent first and with you second.


Else you could consider the blood angels caught a lictor gave it to a xeno inquisitor to experiment with who cut of its limbs and made its scent markers work over drive to pump attack here pheremones into the atmosphere. The blood angels are there to observe and not engage the nids and also fufil a mission of there own.


just a thought

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Some good ideas there.. I think that gaining control over them by some means is the best option rather than actually becoming 'allies' with them.
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Wow thanks for the great ideeas so far guys! I hadn't considered the whole pheremone thing, I'd briefly considered the Tyranid meat shield idea but I'm sure my partner wouldn't like that one ;P . I'll spit ball these ideas with him later, keep the thoughts coming and thanks for your help!
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You could work it that a Chorus of Librarians, since it'd be almost to much for a single one, are showing the Nids via thier gifts that the food is "over there". If there is a Librarian in your force he can be the focal point for the others, ie guiding thier subterfuge while fighting off the Shadow in the Warp. Or if you play Mestiphon theres your answer. Honestly though this only works with powerful psykers since only Tigrus has been the only Librarian to touch the hivemind with his sanity mostly intact.
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You could say you're just preparing for the fluff when Matt Ward writes the new Nid Codex and the Blood Angels and Tyranids team up to destroy Chaos.
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You could say you're just preparing for the fluff when Matt Ward writes the new Nid Codex and the Blood Angels and Tyranids team up to destroy Chaos.


Hahaha, only ward, oh my days.. What's does he plan on wrecking next.

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The Apothecae Minoris, working with the Ordo Biologis, use the Tyranids as a biological weapon.

Kinda like The Company in the Alien movie series.


Just ... don't let Dante know!

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I'd go with old adage, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend until the first enemy is dead and then all bets are off!" ;)


Or consider the storyline of Starship Troopers 2 or 3 when the queen bug mind-melded the Fleet Commander. I'm quite certain any of our Librarians (or even a rogue Inquisitor, hmmm there's a stretch!) could manage to persuade the hivemind into doing his bidding for at least a short time - say D3 turns before it breaks free and the Nids attack the closest threat regardless of its previously perceived alliance. :mellow:

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Not really much of a fluffy argument for that particular tag team. The answer will be quite off the wall. Could do something like magos biologis grows/captures nids and then lobotomises them and/or implants some sort of electronic control system in their brain, kind of like a servitor. Stick it in the oven for half an hour and voila. A horde of mindless killing machines that will do everything that you want. Just model the 'synapse' creatures as super insane mechanicum dudes alla doctor octopus from spiderman. You get the idea.
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a cabal of death watch librarians and inquisitorial forces shows up and captures a Hive tyrant, librarians and inquisitorial forces are able to temporarily null the beats mind with a new 'prototype' kind of device which sepertates there brain waves from the nids allowing you to control a small force of tyranids as you have broken their synaptic link with the hive mind.


after the battle the device breaks so you can happily turn your bolters and chainswords on them afterwards


so a little bit like :unsure:



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i've had the same problem and here's what we came up with


the blood angels have been expirimenting with some technology that allows a team of multiple off battlefield psykers to "control" or to impersinate the hive mind.


don't let matt ward see this, he'd use it in a future codex.

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There is no need for psykers to dominate the nids, nor for magos biologists to secure their pheromone glands.


All it takes is a phone call.


A phone call from an old friend.


Like this:


"Yo Dante, remember Gehenna? After the battle I totally got together with the Hive mind, and we discussed our differences. It turns out It's a really cool dude, but really needs some friends in the neighbourhood. So it was that I thought of you. Would you mind taking them for a spin 'round the block at your convenience?"


and Dante's like:


"Sure, Send 'em over. I can totally relate to having few friends!"


And there you have it. Have a nice tourney.

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in the original starcraft, mengsk uses the psi emitter to draw the zerg to tarsonis, culminating in the battle of new gettysburg... perhaps you could argue that the blood angels are luring the hive fleet to a certain world as a pseudo-exterminatus (they can't sanction an official one because they aren't malleus or hereticus) and they are simply maintaining a presence on the planet to ensure the destruction of the enemy at the hands of the tyranids. or perhaps they are luring them there for a political reason, or perhaps to make an example of a rogue governor.
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