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Plausable reason to ally with Nids...


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Or try:


"Two gamers get together fora beer and decide it'd be fun to play in a doubles tournament. One collects BAs and the other bugs. They play some games, have a great time and go home."


For a one off, fluff aint that necessary.

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Or try:


"Two gamers get together fora beer and decide it'd be fun to play in a doubles tournament. One collects BAs and the other bugs. They play some games, have a great time and go home."


For a one off, fluff aint that necessary.


I second this, especially the beer part *cracks open a beer*

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Upon surveying the incoming Hive Fleet Dante notices one of the Hive ships has a massive bottlebrush moustache, top hat and monocle. Upon the 'nids landing on planet they promptly have a fancy tea party, agree to be friends, and skip hand-in-hand off into the sunset to crush their enemies and see them driven before them.
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Upon surveying the incoming Hive Fleet Dante notices one of the Hive ships has a massive bottlebrush moustache, top hat and monocle. Upon the 'nids landing on planet they promptly have a fancy tea party, agree to be friends, and skip hand-in-hand off into the sunset to crush their enemies and see them driven before them.


This has already been used with Necrons so seeing this twice is salt in the already gaping wound that is the Wardiverse

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Upon surveying the incoming Hive Fleet Dante notices one of the Hive ships has a massive bottlebrush moustache, top hat and monocle. Upon the 'nids landing on planet they promptly have a fancy tea party, agree to be friends, and skip hand-in-hand off into the sunset to crush their enemies and see them driven before them.


This has already been used with Necrons so seeing this twice is salt in the already gaping wound that is the Wardiverse




There is ALWAYS time for a fancy tea party, my good chap.



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To quote the 7habbits of highly effective pirates, "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy no more, no less.". The hive fleet will work with blood angels, well they aren't really working with them so much as fighting in close proximity. Once everyone else is dead they will go back o killing each other.
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Thanks for the great responses from everyone, it's been really interesting to read what you've come up with. Normally I'd agree that BA would never ally with Tyranids, but in this particular tournament the fluff or story of our army is partially scored as well so havinga decent back story would be a bonus.


So far I'm actually liking the idea that spawned from Starcraft, whereby the BA have somehow drawn the Tryranids to an area to erradicate an enemy (and from the BA point of view the Nids as well when the dust clears).

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Dante and the Hive Tyrant got drunk at a bar, fought almost to the point of death, became best friends, roomed together during college... but then they hive tyrant slept with Dante's sister and their friendship crumbled until the Tyrant selflessly saved Dante's life while losing an eye in the process. They were best friends once more and made a blood oath to watch each others backs through thick and thin. But wait, who's this? Is is Abbadon with Dante's sister?!
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Nids got bad genes... They are colour blind when it comes to red... Lame, I know xD... But there arn't really any logical explenation to why the nids would team up with the BA


BA once "teamed up with the necrons... but that was basically avoiding eachother instead of actually being allies I guess


Even if nids and BA had a common enemy they wouldn't team up... Everything is food no matter what race or colour it's armour is

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Even if nids and BA had a common enemy they wouldn't team up... Everything is food no matter what race or colour it's armour is

I think were going to be operating within these parameters. What I'm invisioning the set up as is my BA have found a way to encourage the Hive Mind to attack at X coordinates (through psychic power or some other means) and my BA will attack from the opposite direction crushing the enemy between both our forces, but not formally making us allies. To this end I'm planning on running an all JP DoA force.

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