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Need some help really new to 40k


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Hi all first time poster in need of a little help and direction.


So I am just starting off with Warhammer 40k and was given a deal on a Ultramarines army. I want to switch to a Blood Angel army while trying to use the models I have and then buying some stuff slowly as I go.


But I am not sure what to really do. I don't really know how to make a list I have basically just been picking stuff and adding points. So im really confused about playing this game or if it even makes sense to switch to blood angels. I really like what I have read about BA so I'm hoping someone could give me a hand.


I got the following models from the guy.


1 captain

1 librarian in terminator armor

5 Terminators

30 tactical marines

10 scouts

5 devastators

2 razorbacks

1 rhino

1 predator

1 dreadnought

And a pile of bits


Is it possible to run a BA army from this?


Is there a place that can help me with a list?


Also what should I be looking to buy to make this army better?


I know this is a lot to ask but in very confused.


Thanks for reading!! Also for help!!!

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You dont say what the models have got but I'll give you a rough suggestion:



Sang priest x2 - -these guys you will need to get/make/buy off ebay - should be easy

2x tac squad + razorback (split into combat squads - 2 hw squads can babysit a home objective, other 2 combat squads can go for a ride in teh razorbacks

Devs (+ Rhino?) - more firepower for your home base, stick them slightly behind the HW combat squads from the tacticals (imagein a Castle - these guys are the Keep, the others are the curtain walls). Rhino if you have the points, you can use it as spare transport or a bunker for one of these 3 squads)

Predator (Mobile firepower - alwasy good - and you've got another 3 vehicles potentially all firing HWs at the enemy - in the Rhinos case its the guys inside but close enough)


You want your termies as an aggressive counter/wall to disrupt attacks on your devs and friends, your Razorbacks as your right hook, and your devs/pred/HW tacticals as your strong centre. 1 Priest with the termies and Lib, 1 priest with the devs (or one of those squads - preferably so they all get FNP)


Simplest one I could think of, and its a bit gunline, but thats with just the models you've got (and 2 priest which you might be able to proxy to start with). To complement that army, look at Sterguard in a Pod - they will be a left jab before your right hook lands. Other than that/after that - Jump Pack troops of any kind can work well, and a lot of people swear by Assault marines without packs in rhinos or Razorbacks (which you have already). Moving across to jump troops will cost more now though, as you will need a good number of them (probably you'll want 4 or 5 boxes worth to get a 'good' number of models).

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From a pure modelling and painting point of view. If you buy a couple of boxes of death company you will have a wealth of blood angel specific bits that you can use to change you men into blood angels by swapping bolters, should pads, torsos and legs and then gluing all the purity seals etc you get. You also have enough arms and jump packs to make at least one assault squad. After that it's simply a case of painting them red. Afraid I can't give you much advice on army lists as I'm mainly a fantasy player but I'm painting and converting a company of Lamenters.
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If you are just playing friendly games, proxy! I run tacticals as assault marines just to get the feel for the differences. Heck, in my last game I ran my DC as devastators just to try it out :blink:
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Welcome to Warhammer 40k.

Welcome to the B&C.

And welcome to The Blood Angels!!


I myself have pretty much just been studying the Codex for the past year. I have some theories, but yet to test them out to the full extent.

I feel that The Blood Angels are quite a versatile army.

Sorry, I can't really add much help, only to repeat what LamenterMarine has offered as advice about Death Company box sets. But there are a number of members here who are quite knowledgeable and more than willing to assist a newcomer.

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Ok. Let me start by saying that you made the right choice, not in the sense that you went with blood angels over ultramarines, but in the sense that you picked an army you liked from reading the background and fluff. A 40k army is something that people spend years building, so it is important that you like it from the feel and style of the army.


As has been mentioned, most BA armies rely heavily on assault squads. Two of the main army types (in my opinion) is mechanized assault squads in razorbacks and deep striking descent of angels lists. In the beginning, I think it might be a good idea to just get some models on the table and start playing. No sense in painting an army for year before trying it out. I would say all your available figures can find a place in a BA army with the exception of the Captain and the third tactical squad. Flesh out the army with assaults squads an you should have a decent army


Now some questions:

1) What weapons are on the captain model? Could he pass for a librarian in power armor with the right paint job?

2) what are the special/heavy options on the tacticals and the devastators?

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Thanks for the help!!


I don't know im still trying to learn so much I have no idea how to decide on the future units to buy I think that is mug biggest problem right now is a real direction for the army.

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A really good place to start is assault marines as these form the backbone of any ba army in my opinion (buying boxes of DC to make your existing models look more ba like is a good idea too but buying boxes of DC for having the DC in your army is an even better idea, haha)

Other than that you will get the idea of what sort of units you like to play with.

So start out with a few boxes of assault marines ( you could magnetise the jp's/backpacks which is a great way to easily switch from having them using jp's and putting them into razorbacks)

Now razorbacks are also another thing that are great for getting your troop somewhere fast and have alot of fire power too (las/plas is the best option I think)

Baal predators are another really good addition to our army, they are great for outflanking! stormraven gunships are another great asset, not only do they have amazing firepower they are the best transports we have as they can fit 12 troops and a dreadnought inboard and can even fit jp troops in them (both of these are great used just with the free weapons so you don't have to spend too much on them)

Now one of my personal favourites are attack bikes with multimeltas, they are great tank hunters which can pop the treats to your razorbacks or stormravens! And for something really heavy vindicators are my favourite, they really pack a punch and anyone who has faced them will be very scared.


BA are such a versatile army, you can do so much with them, hope I have helped a little and have fun bro.

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Depends if you are playing competitively or not. I'd start with the army you have, since all the units are possible for BA. The differences are that the rhino chassis vehicles are all fast, compared with the ultramarines, your Librarian has special powers and all the units (more or less) have tha chance of getting the red thirst. An easy 'counts as' would be to make the Dreadnought a furioso with a frag cannon (our version of the venerable Ultramarines Dread.)


If you want to convert cheaply, buy some close combat arms from EBay and convert at least 5 and up to all of the tacticals. Or DC can use bolters , so paint tacticals some as bolter-armed relentless DC. or, as the man says, get a friendly opponnant to accept that the bolter-armed troops really have a chainsword and bolt pistol.


If you want to convert more expensively, buy at least one DC box to make assault marines with jump-packs plus loads of conversion possibilities, and buy an apothecary model or bits from the command squad pack (apothecary arm, torso and back pack, plus bits of the DC set) to make a sanguinary priest (our version of the ultramarines apothecary, but much more fun).


After you have played a few times with the army you have, my guess is that you will probably find the terminators and the terminator librarian don't fit in. Jump-packed units like the sanguinary guard (effectively a jump-packed terminator unit) or the Vanguard Veterans, or an Honour guard (our version of a command squad) are more usual. Baal Predators (an anti-personel version of the light tank) are also more common than the normal one. You will be dying to replace your Dread with a Furioso of one kind or another. If you enjoy using the terminator librarian, just imagine what he would be like in a dreadnaught!


Hope it goes well. Sounds like a great deal you got there. welcome aboard.

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