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Infiltrate/Scout is only conferred upon a transport if it is a Dedicated Transport. Therefore, no units from Codex: Space Marines can Infiltrate/Scout/Outflank in any transport. The exception is when using Captain Sicarius, who can give Infiltrate or Scout to a Tactical Squad. They can do so in a rhino or razorback as they are Dedicated Transports, but not a Land Raider because it is not.
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Infiltrate/Scout is only conferred upon a transport if it is a Dedicated Transport. Therefore, no units from Codex: Space Marines can Infiltrate/Scout/Outflank in any transport. The exception is when using Captain Sicarius, who can give Infiltrate or Scout to a Tactical Squad. They can do so in a rhino or razorback as they are Dedicated Transports, but not a Land Raider because it is not.


Ah thank you for clearing that up. Would've been too good to be true :D


Thanks again!





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if you take Kor'sarro Khan, all your units and their dedicated transports can outflank. take a unit of terminators, give them a dedicated landraider, and now you can outflank with a landraider :huh:
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Infiltrate/Scout is only conferred upon a transport if it is a Dedicated Transport. Therefore, no units from Codex: Space Marines can Infiltrate/Scout/Outflank in any transport. The exception is when using Captain Sicarius, who can give Infiltrate or Scout to a Tactical Squad. They can do so in a rhino or razorback as they are Dedicated Transports, but not a Land Raider because it is not.


Not entirely true. The LS Storm can outflank loaded up with Scouts. However, this is because the LS Storm itself also has the scout USR, otherwise though you are correct.

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Well I play Chaos so I just asked because it is not clear from the rules if you only can outflank in a Rhino.


Would've been great to see the faces of my upcoming enemies when I outflank a full squad of Chosen with a Land Raider behind their lines :D


Oh well, back to the drawing table for the upcoming 3,000 points battle of me against 3 players (each playing with 1,000 pts using one force organisation).


Cheers again for the replies!



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Not entirely true. The LS Storm can outflank loaded up with Scouts. However, this is because the LS Storm itself also has the scout USR, otherwise though you are correct.
You're misleading :sweat:. It is completely true that Infiltrate/Scout is only conferred upon Dedicated Transports, but you're right in that Scouts in a Storm can Outflank, simply because the Storm comes with Scout.
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