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Imperial Fists


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Hi guys here are some pics of the start of my Imperial Fists Army.


The Drednought still has lots of touch ups, mainly stoked about how the yellow came out.

also the champane gold i mixed up turned out a awesome colour.


Still lots of WIP


Anyways let me know what you's think













Also sorry bout photos and the size guys im getting photo sharing figured out sorry wont happen again


Cheers Cambodia

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Looks like a good start to me. You can see where the paint is very thin in places and not coving the model well (Like the feet), if you water down your paint a bit say 50/50 and use a couple of more coats (letting each dry between) you should have it licked and looking awesome...
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Yeah its alot brighter in the photo than in real life, and yeah it still needs a few more glaze coats to the area's around the smaller area's


Undercoat Iyanden Darksun foundation

50/50 Golden yellow & Sunburst yellow

then washed down coats of sunburst yellow


still needs some more coats and touch ups.


Also here is my assault squad





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Yeah the sgt with the axe is a funny one it does look like he is tripping or something from some angles, but in the right posistion it makes him look like he is running through a incoming fire.

thats the idea anyway, i tried to make him look like he is making a dash for cover shielding his torso and head from incoming fire, and about to hurl his axe at his foe.

meh! dunno i thought i might have over posturised him ,but yeah i think he still looks cool.


They were my first squad i painted yellow

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