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How you gonna make the plasma cannon devs? I have no plas

A cannons, where do I get them?


Like I said before can you still buy single marines with heavy weapons?

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I have a few sitting a bitz box somewhere in my "office" aka painting room. I went the Devestator box route because it seemed more economical in teh long run since I'm sure I can find a use for everything in the kit eventually. Alternatively you could buy spare plasma cannons from any of the bitz sites on the, I prefer battlewagon bits, but there are loads of alternative sites that are just a google search away. Also eBay typically has a pretty healthy collection of specific bits for sale.
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Yeah I've been looking and it'll be cheaper to buy 2 boxes of devs to get four plasma cannons plus that'll give me 2 more ML's to add to my existing 2 and can make a second dev squad with ML's.

When I think heavy the first thing that comes to mind is vindys, I've never really thought of devs until now. Do you think plasma devs would be better than vindys for dealing with GK?

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Personally I mainly play a jump pack oriented army so I don't play with Vidi's. I think either could adequately deal with GK though, it just depends on what the rest of the army your running looks like. Personally for me I like having a good sized fire base to help support my Assault squads, and 20 devestators in cover with a priest nearby are much harder to get rid of than a Vindicator.


It's hard to argue against the use of a Vindicator though, there isn't much that a 36" (including movement) S10 AP2 large blast template isn't good for. But to me it's just one lucky shot away from being a wreck or a 150+ point battering ram, and since I run primarily JP's all my enemies AT fire power will be directed at it.

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Personally I mainly play a jump pack oriented army so I don't play with Vidi's. I think either could adequately deal with GK though, it just depends on what the rest of the army your running looks like. Personally for me I like having a good sized fire base to help support my Assault squads, and 20 devestators in cover with a priest nearby are much harder to get rid of than a Vindicator.


It's hard to argue against the use of a Vindicator though, there isn't much that a 36" (including movement) S10 AP2 large blast template isn't good for. But to me it's just one lucky shot away from being a wreck or a 150+ point battering ram, and since I run primarily JP's all my enemies AT fire power will be directed at it.


I've been pondering on a troop based army as well as a more mech based one but one thing remains, I wanna run a SR with dc, lemartes and dc dread so I'm wondering could I run a jump pack list and still run my DC SR? It's the only way to really run 10 DC Lemartes and a DC dread really and since I already have all the models it stays!

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Yeah I've been looking and it'll be cheaper to buy 2 boxes of devs to get four plasma cannons plus that'll give me 2 more ML's to add to my existing 2 and can make a second dev squad with ML's.

When I think heavy the first thing that comes to mind is vindys, I've never really thought of devs until now. Do you think plasma devs would be better than vindys for dealing with GK?


I definitely think a full 10 marine Dev Sqd with 4 Plasma Cannons is a better unit than 1 or 2 Vindicators. Yes the Vindi's have a large blast and are fast tanks, but they are expensive targets and will get shot at and killed quickly. And you can buy a LasPlas Razorback for the Dev Sqd to augment their firepower.


The key thing is to protect the Dev Sqd from being flanked by any type of flanking unit or deep strike. I usually take a Tac Sqd and combat sqd them to get 2 smaller units on both sides of the Dev Sqd. If you have Astorath and get Red Thirst on the Tac Sqd, if something Deep Strikes (except for Ven Vets...) you can charge them. And getting Red Thirst on the Dev Sqd is awesome because they won't run!


I know BA are primarily an assault army, but Dev Sqds and Sternguard should never be overlooked. I LOVE my Dev Sqds and have enough to field two 10 marine sqds. One to bust tanks and one to kill infantry (the 4 Plasma Cannon unit). Even if I don't have the points for a full 10 marine sqd, I always try to take a couple of extra marines to soak wound in addition to the dev sgt.

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I'm definitely thinking more of using devs than armour but I still wanna use my SR for my DC and attack bikes and Baal predators maybe although attack bikes and VV's would probably better suited to this kind of list.


I guess I could just work devs into my existing list(s) instead of using a vindi or two.

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Dev's are fun and a great unit, but above all I'd say play what you like more. Devestators and Vindicators are both quality units and will do their respective jobs admirably, just play whichever one you think is more fun or more visually appealing.


In regards to your question about a Storm Raven having a place in a JP army, I think it certainly would fit in the scheme and your right that the SR is the best way I can think of to deliver your DC into the hear tof your enemy. Just be prepared to hold that storm raven in reserve if you don't have first turn (against most armies anyways). Having no other armor on the table and it deployed makes it a very juicy target.

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Yeah that's what I thought too in regards to running a SR in a DoA army!


I posted a list on the BA army lists bit, it's more mech orientated but if you would like to have a look and tell me what you think, give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated.

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I haven't played against the new GK yet, but to sum up from what I've read here...


To win, you have to:

1. Take advantage of Blood Angels' greatest strength (Mobility)


2. Treat GKs like you would tyranids


Is that about right?

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Remember that they will be small armies and not every GK is going to be armed with a halberd. They hit on a 4+ in close combat. Their greatest strength is midrange firepower which is reduced in effectiveness due to our FNP. We can dictate where the assault will occur.


G :lol:

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