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optimisation and synergies in the blood angels codex


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hey guys, im a new convert to codex blood angels, as im looking to start a lamenters army...



I was curious as to what synergies within the codex work well and perhaps what units i should stay away from etc, i'm not looking for you guys to build me an army list, but some guidelines and general advice when i do build a list however would be very much appreciated!



thanks in advance guys!

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Well im running a mech khorne csm army at the moment, so something different would be nice. I like the idea of an infantry army best i think, visually heaps of space marines on foot look awesome, but im open to suggestion about jump pack troops. Ideally i would like to tailor a force for tournament play at around 1500 points, so i understand that having too much unmounted (or unjetpack-ed) infantry could cost the army much needed mobility in tournament play.
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1500 is a tricky points level, difficult to find a balance between over spending and not spending enough.



You seem to have a general idea of what kind of force you want to make, is there any particular unit in the codex that you really want to include?

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Because there are so many options, it really is about finding a unit or character that you like and building around them. A lot also depends upon the style that you want to play. In my case, I prefer to simply beat up what opponents I can while having fun at the same time. As a result, my army is definitely NOT optimized for missions where I have to seize objectives, since two of my troops choices are non-scoring (I use Astorath and then take two Death Company squads in Stormraven Gunships as my core).


The big thing to remember, however, is that if you play a DoA army or similar, the strength of the Blood Angels does not lie in sitting back, it lies in assault, and they have a number of characters that help buff assaults.

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hmm. it could be coz im coming from the current csm codex that im used to having limited viable options :D


Essentially i wouldn't like to field a special character, as i find more generic HQs ironically to be more characterful, so i'll probably stick with a single power armoured librarian. Probably 3 scoring troops units...


how about a librarian, some sanguinary guard + chapter banner, 1x9 + 1x10 tactical marines in rhinos w/ melta guns, 1x5 tactical marines in a razorback, 1x10 death company with jump packs and 2x2 attack bikes with multi meltas.


that way there's heaps of mobility with every unit in the army moving at least 12 inches a turn, anti tank with the multi meltas and meltaguns. death company to deal with horde as they're running naked, and sanguinary guard for nastier units...



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Because there are so many options, it really is about finding a unit or character that you like and building around them.



I would not recommend this line of thinking,this is how lynch pin armies are made, and rock, paper scissor forces....though the principle can be applied, but instead of focusing on a unit, focus on a concept, DOA, MECH, Footslogging, Hybrid, ect...



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What role do you envision for your Tactical squads? If they plan to assault at all, I believe it's actually cheaper to get an assault squad without jump packs and give them a cheap transport instead. I'll be honest in that I think Sanguinary Guard should be reserved for bigger games and that you can field a better selection by using the Honor Guard or Vanguard Veterans (Heroic Intervention + DoA is pretty nasty). That's just a personal opinion, however.
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How about a strong core of marines:


2x 10 ASM 2x Meltaguns, Powerfist 470 pts


1x 10 Tacticals, Powerfist, Rhino, weaponry of choice(probably the free weapons such as flamer/missile launcher) 230 +


Librarian with Jumppack 125 - powers of preferation.


Sanguinary Priest(really needed in a JP heavy army) JP 75


Sang Guard(as you mentioned) Banner, Infernus Pistol 240



With that, you'll have enough bodies on the ground and if my math is not completely screwed, you still got enough points to flesh your army out in more specific directions(more tanks, a stormraven, DC plus Lemartes....etc.)


Oh, one thing though: DC with JP are very expensive, so you should keep their numbers to a minium. And thanks to the Rage universal rule, they can't be controlled anymore by our Chaplains.


If you wish to equip them with JP, take Lemartes over a normal Chappie or Reclusiarch. He's worth every single point.





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Because there are so many options, it really is about finding a unit or character that you like and building around them.



I would not recommend this line of thinking,this is how lynch pin armies are made, and rock, paper scissor forces....though the principle can be applied, but instead of focusing on a unit, focus on a concept, DOA, MECH, Footslogging, Hybrid, ect...




I somewhat disagree. I think every Commander (that's what we are) should have his/her own theme or style and then build around it. I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY MUST HAVE: a deep-striking LRR full of DC, 2 DC Dreads, 2 full Tactical Squads (harder than RAS imo) and a pair of Baal Preds. MUST!!! That is the core of each of my 2 Strike Forces. I can go All-DC by adding Astorath, Lemartes, 2x10 more DC and a Stormraven; or I can go with a Libby/Termie/LRC Deathstar.



How about a strong core of marines:


2x 10 ASM 2x Meltaguns, Powerfist 470 pts


1x 10 Tacticals, Powerfist, Rhino, weaponry of choice(probably the free weapons such as flamer/missile launcher) 230 +


Librarian with Jumppack 125 - powers of preferation.


Sanguinary Priest(really needed in a JP heavy army) JP 75


Sang Guard(as you mentioned) Banner, Infernus Pistol 240



With that, you'll have enough bodies on the ground and if my math is not completely screwed, you still got enough points to flesh your army out in more specific directions(more tanks, a stormraven, DC plus Lemartes....etc.)


Oh, one thing though: DC with JP are very expensive, so you should keep their numbers to a minium. And thanks to the Rage universal rule, they can't be controlled anymore by our Chaplains.


If you wish to equip them with JP, take Lemartes over a normal Chappie or Reclusiarch. He's worth every single point.




Great start to a decent force. You could then add 2 Baals and another Priest (?) or even go 3x2 MMABs.

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RAS as a core with some DC and maybe vangaurds or cc terminators for more of a punch

Baal predators and multimelta attack bikes for outflanking and tank hunting and vindicators for field saturation

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Sanguinor's blessing can be controlled if you only take one unit with a sarge. Auto blessing for that sarge-takes out the guess work. Then you want to fill up on Sanguinary Guard, Death Company and Honor guard... Probably expensive, but you want to run Astrogoth ( I know that's incorrect spelling, just dont want to look it up.) or Dante too.. Dante will get you more (expensive) scoring troops..
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For an infantry army, go with Assault troops with some Tactical objective holders. I'd go 2 Assault troops with an Honor Guard providing some fire support and Feel No Pain bubble. Kitted out right, they're good far-objective takers, or troop killers. I like to go after the other team's troops to tie my guys up in assault (no getting shot at) and they're good enough to win against pretty much anyone else's assault troops as long as Feel No Pain is going.


Bunker up the 5 tacticals with a heavy weapon and then combat squad with a Razorback. It's full price, but it's nice having a fast vehicle, with 5 guys jumping out to add their shots and a flamer. People seem to think that Tacticals lost their space mariney-ness when assault troops became troops, but I have the tacticals get assaulted all the time and they still have a 3+ armor save. Just don't run them into a dreadnought... right?

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To answer the original question on what works well together I offer this. RAS coupled with a Priest and either a Chaplain or Librarian works very well. I tool up with PW/Infernus Pistols for SP, Libby/Chappy and Sgt. and two meltaguns. This unit is almost 500 pts but it will pop a Land Raider or crush a unit of 20 Gene Stealers. With Jump Packs these guys make short work of whatever and then get right over to the next victum. All you have to do is get them close.


The most obvious is Dante and Sanguinary Guard. The cheapest way to get Infernus Pistols is with the SG. Careful placement of Dante and his SG unit will give you 6 melta shots at half range. 2+ armor save and PWs all around make this a dangerous unit. Down side is it's another almost 500 pt unit.

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If you don't want to go with Mech, I'd suggest you look into a Jumper army with Devastator support.


Somthing along the lines of:


Libby w/ JP - Shield of Sanguinius, other random power: 125 pts


Sang Priest w/ JP: 75 pts


10 ASM w/ 2 meltas + fist: 235 pts

10 ASM w/ 2 meltas + fist: 235 pts

5 Scouts w/ sniper rifles, missile launcher, camo cloaks: 100 pts


5 Devastators w/ 4 missile launchers: 130 pts

5 Devastators w/ 4 missile launchers: 130 pts


That's only 1030 pts for a solid core from which you can build up.


One word of advice: if you're going to take tanks, get a lot of them. When you don't get enough, your opponent can easily blow them up before they get to have much of an effect on the battlefield.

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He wants to run 700pts worth of HQs taking up 3 slots?

I don't know what he wants to run, just thought he wanted input on optimization and synergies.. My suggestion optimizes Sanguinor's blessing, makes sanguinary guard scoring (If you take Dante), and has decent synergies, (DoA)..I wasn't suggesting taking three HQ's, unless you count the Honor Guard, and they don't take a slot.


I run something similar, but without honor guard. Works well enough in friendly games.

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Here is a sample version of my list..roughly 1500pts.




5 man Jumper Assault Squad with infernus pistol

Sarge has power weapon and storm shield (and guaranteed blessing of the Sanguinor) I usually deepstrike with Dante attached


5 Sanguinary Guard with Chapter Banner and Deathmasks


Libby Dread with Wings and another power, (usually MoH, but I'm exploring others) and a drop pod


Stormraven no extra options (all death company models go here)


5 death company with a couple options possibly Lemartes here depending on points, but I'm really just taking them to get the


Death Company Dread with Magna Grapple and talons


It's fun, and yer turn won't take forever, and you WILL kill a lot of stuff. You will have a hard time holding objectives, but it can be done, just don't be too aggressive.

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Since he's not getting the bonus attack due to the SS anyways, why not give him a claw instead?


Even without the SS the claw rerolling all failed wounds is statistically superior on the charge compared to the extra attack, except vs T1 and T2 enemies.

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Say if I wanted to give a claw to a RAS sarg, would I just covert the claw from a terminator? (seams not right in my head, would this work?) or is there somewhere else to get a claw from? (I'm pretty sure nothing I have bought in power armour has a claw on the sprue, only cc termys)
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The Space Marine captain box has a left handed lightning claw for power armor.


There is also a Veteran blister (probably no longer in production so it might be hard to find) with a pair of power armor claws.

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