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optimisation and synergies in the blood angels codex


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Just the way I play, and the way I've been playing Blood Angels since I started (many, many years ago :P ), I've always played them as a very balanced force. For my playstyle, I've found what works the best for me is a balanced list with force multipliers in the form of a librarian and a pair of priests. An assault squad with a priest with power weapon attached, and a librarian with Unleash Rage will reliably chew through several units...thats 8 WS5 S5 I5 power weapon attacks, 27 WS4 S5 I5 normal attacks, and then 3 I1 S9 Thunder Hammer attack when it charges at full strength, with the attacks being re-rollable if the librarian gets his power off. I have been reliably informed by my opponents that it, to say the least, stings, and with a bit of fire support to knock off a few early wounds it can splatter monstrous creatures (beaten a Talos a few times this way and a carnifex or two).


Multipliers in a balanced list is my style, but BA have a lot of ways to play. I'd recommend avoiding a mech army if you want one that plays differently to your Khorne force. Since you've expressed a desire to avoid special characters, that rules out the Goldwing/Nipplewing (all sanguinary guard army led by Dante), and the Astorath all-DC fest, but leaves most options open...I'd be tempted to recommend trying a Descent of Angels army, where everything deep strikes in from reserve. For that you'll want mostly assault squads, some priests (to keep guys alive), and maybe a vanguard squad or two. If its DoA lists you're after though, there are much better people around the forum than me to ask.


Hope that helps :D

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Say if I wanted to give a claw to a RAS sarg, would I just covert the claw from a terminator? (seams not right in my head, would this work?) or is there somewhere else to get a claw from? (I'm pretty sure nothing I have bought in power armour has a claw on the sprue, only cc termys)


The Space wolves pack box has a pair of PA claws. One of them requires a bit more trimming to get the wolf iconography off.



claws are visible on the second sprue pic


I seriously think that every space marine player should buy one of these for conversions and bits. TH&SS, double handed power weapon, special weapons, double edged chain swords, scout heads, scout plasma pistol... and so on. You can't use every part of the set for a non space wolf chapter, but the majority only requires a bit of work with the knife.

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Yeah I've heard that this box set is good for pimping stuff, the double sided chainswords sound brutal!!


I don't have the box infront of me but do you think I could just convert a terminator powerclaw?

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Yeah I've heard that this box set is good for pimping stuff, the double sided chainswords sound brutal!!


I don't have the box infront of me but do you think I could just convert a terminator powerclaw?


Sure, they are near identical. Surplus weapons from the terminator assault squad are very useful too.

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Yeah I've heard that this box set is good for pimping stuff, the double sided chainswords sound brutal!!


I don't have the box infront of me but do you think I could just convert a terminator powerclaw?


Sure, they are near identical. Surplus weapons from the terminator assault squad are very useful too.


Cool, I'm kitting mine up 2 LC and 3 TH/SS so I'll have plenty of LC's left over! I have a box of them at the moment but I'm waiting for FW BA terminator pads next week and some better SS's too, gonna use Black Templar ones from FW too I think. (I gotta pimp everything and make I look more blood angel looking, even if it's just the shoulder icons)

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