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Can bikes climb ladders?

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As the title says can bikes climb ladders? The reason I ask is because in a recent game we had the Imperial landing pad as a piece of scenery. My opponent put an objective on it which made us think what would happen should my bikers attempt to claim it. The rules state that bikes are unaffected by difficult terrain when moving but must make a dangerous terrain test.


Common sense though would state the a bike can't go up a ladder. I've assumed that they would be able to drive up stairs in ruins or buildings but I've never come across ladders before.

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It's going to be up to you and your crew I think. Common sense = no. But otherwise, make a ruling for the game because what affects you, will affect the opponent as well.

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Only Infantry, MC, Walkers, Jump Infantry, and Jetbikes may move up or down levels in terms of terrain

This is correct- but remember, when doing distances in terrain that you can measure from the top of a model- so if the landing pad is more than 2" and less than 4" tall you can probly just ride under it and claim the objective... as odd as that sounds.

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There are no rules in 40k for dismounting bikes (though it would be nice if it were possible)

Pleeeze, 6th edition! I would love a split mechanic for figures on bikes or cavalry dismounting, so many narrative opportunities!


In non competitive games, I often have multi-level industrial plant scenery with long ramps, and house rule that the ramps count as open but dangerous terrain: If there's room for the bike base on upper levels, they can ride up the ramps. Usually limits how many bikers can assault, but it's normally Sasha at the front, with Relic Blade, one-on-one! Epic heroic dash for a snatched objective!

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Who said the biker is stuck on his bike. ;)

There are no rules in 40k for dismounting bikes (though it would be nice if it were possible)



Oh i have to tell my brother he cant go of his bike cause their are no rules for dismounting a bike in 40k, i bet he will do the eyebrow thing like the Rock does.


Oh and who said bikes cant go up hasent seen this in the past Bikermice, if they can do it....


(Nicolas Cage also rode up a building when he was the ghostrider :D :lol: )

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