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Blood Angels codex for chaos


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Long time no B&C!!


I really don't like the current chaos codex so i've been alternate ways to do my army and i'm considering using the blood angels codex especially with the death company options to represent the a khornate force. has anyone else tried this out? do you think this is a good idea? thanks for any comments and advice.

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Its your game, you decide the way you want to play it.


But as people say 'Haters going to hate'


Plus the Chaos Codex is bad, but not that bad, sure we have some bland builds but we can still hold our own.

Our toys may not be as shiny but it's the price we pay for awesomeness

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Long time no B&C!!


I really don't like the current chaos codex so i've been alternate ways to do my army and i'm considering using the blood angels codex especially with the death company options to represent the a khornate force. has anyone else tried this out? do you think this is a good idea? thanks for any comments and advice.



I've seen builds that do this. It works like a Blood Angels force wearing World Eater colors.

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I seen the idea mentioned a lot of times for various chaos armies but for Khorne why bother we have berserkers and the only things that can't have an icon or mark of Khorne are the greater and lesser daemons, sorcerer, vehicles, obliteraters and spawn so plenty of other units to hand an icon too and can use Khârn or mark a chaos lord or daemon prince.


Personally would have preferred marks to icons or if we had to have icons not have our guys lose their abilities just because the bearer died but maybe in the next codex.


Either way I don't really see a need to use the Blood Angels codex to represent a Khorne force.

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I seen the idea mentioned a lot of times for various chaos armies but for Khorne why bother...Either way I don't really see a need to use the Blood Angels codex to represent a Khorne force.


I agree with this. Berserkers is what the current codex got right. If you want World Eaters just stick some Berserkers in a Land Raider and give some very angry Daemon Princes for friends and there you go, fluffy, fearless, and effective.

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Beware if you run DC, your zerks will suddenly be real berzerkers and will sprint toward the nearest enemy every time. On the plus side, assault marines are troops and can easily get FNP, FC. Also, Astorath makes an excellent Chaos Lord, and also makes the lamest chapter tactics ever devised (seriously, few BA players I know even bother to roll for it) actually worth something.
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The DC 'aggressive' problem is easily solved by a Rhino, LR, or Drop pod. And yeah, plenty of Chaplins that actually do something for your army (plus apothocaries). Cheater claws on your Dread, Dante as a DP with his 'guard' (great way to use possessed since they suck in the Chaos Dex), Meph as a DP, even Astro. Yeah, you could easily pull off a Word Bearers, World Eaters, or even Night Lords (wings baby, wings) army.


But then you as a player need to make some choices on fluff and playability. Is this a pre-heresy build or 'modern' chaos army? You should then just limit what you use for vehicles, such as the Storm Chickens, libby dreads, and the Razorbacks that neither really have access to. If your doing a tourney build, your still a BA player, just with different painted army.

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I'm thinking of using the codex to represent a renegade space marine force that has turned to khorne. fluff wise they are the elements of my space marine army that broke away in a schism, becoming a force of rampaging wrathful zealots; with a khornate version of a religious creed (cool images of khornate chaplains and sanguinary priests) and yes i have alredy considered the Astaroth model :D. i know, blasphemy!
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That really isn't a problem, either is 'captured' equipment, as I /know/ there is fluff out there about Chaos Marines 'scavanging' equiptment.


Thing is, you might as well go over to the BA boards than on here, as posting there means you probably actually have people with the BA codex to help you, and here the Chaos codex does nothing since your not using it since your just using fluff of the chaos stuff to make your army. And if your doing your own fluff on top of that, I really don't know if you will get anything besides 'Sure, whatever you want'.


*shrugs* Good luck either way I guess.

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That really isn't a problem, either is 'captured' equipment, as I /know/ there is fluff out there about Chaos Marines 'scavanging' equiptment.


Thing is, you might as well go over to the BA boards than on here, as posting there means you probably actually have people with the BA codex to help you, and here the Chaos codex does nothing since your not using it since your just using fluff of the chaos stuff to make your army. And if your doing your own fluff on top of that, I really don't know if you will get anything besides 'Sure, whatever you want'.


*shrugs* Good luck either way I guess.


I have to agree with this there really isn't much more we can offer to you if you want a renegade Khorne force with chaplains and priests since the chaos codex doesn't have any option to represent those kind of choices so asking the BA board for help on it would be easier.

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'Counts as' is a great rule. Haters gonna hate but you need to play a force you feel represents what you are aiming at. If you want to use the BA codex for a Khornate army, go for it. Nice new flavour for a Chaos army and who says every army is touched by Khorne in the same way? Maybe your Khornate band really is best represented by the BA 'dex.


I was looking at something to represent an Alpha Legion army after reading Legion, really liked the idea of using Space Wolves in some respects - the Wolf Scouts seemed perfect to represent their infiltration and deception abilities, but too many other aspects just did not work at all. Unfortunately I'm in with a lot of people, that the current Chaos codex does not represent the very different legions in any way, instead clumping them all together as 'generic Chaos' with a few cult troops thrown into the mix. Here's hoping the next codex does a better job at distinguishing the legions apart - I want to see an Alpha legion army with different rules and composition to a Night lords one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
. Berserkers is what the current codex got right.


'Zerkers, Plague Marines, and the basic CSM are by far the best in the codex, if not the game.


Back to the topic: Counts-As is a neat mechanic to flesh out what the codex misses. World Eaters have better Heavy Support in Vindi's and Oblits, Death Guard have Fast Attack, but the individual Legions are indeed lacking. I really like the Chaos models an was thinking of running SW using those models...

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