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A question about possession

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I have a quick question. I'm planning to create a form of parody character, both in terms of background and model, to highlight the ludicrousness of another character and I need some information first.


Would it be possible for any of the following to happen:

A Ork to become possessed by a daemon.

Any daemon possessing an Ork to become effected by the Orks mentality ("Never Enuff Dakka!") and retain their latent psychic power to make things work based upon will.


And finally, would an Ork be able to possibly become a Chaos Spawn?

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I think it's presumed that Orks, as a species, really don't do much for the Warp directly (more like their activities feed the Warp as a symptom ie - conflict), and because they were created without a concept of past or future beyond the moment, direct possession of an Ork would be akin to a daemon throwing itself into a psychic oubliette. Also, given the fluff in the Ork Codex about Orks that have ventured into the Eye and remained, well, Orkish throughout, I'd be inclined to say that in 40K at least, Orks are incorruptible at present. As mentioned before, in the past fluff there were Orks that fell into Chaos taint and were typically put down by the other Orks very swiftly, but GW seems to have shoved that to the wayside in lieu of just making Orks be Orks.
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Would it be possible for any of the following to happen:

A Ork to become possessed by a daemon.

There is what appears to be daemon possessed Orks in the old GK Codex iirc, under Daemonic advesaries. If you go by that illustration then they can.


Any daemon possessing an Ork to become effected by the Orks mentality ("Never Enuff Dakka!") and retain their latent psychic power to make things work based upon will.
Personally I doubt it, as Daemons usually destroy or entirely suppress (over time) the mind of the original host.


And finally, would an Ork be able to possibly become a Chaos Spawn?
If said Ork was a mere shell, a daemon possessed 'corpse' of an Ork if you will, then I don't see why not. The Warp has always had an interesting effect on the physical body.



My 2 Kraks

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Well, weirdboyz can still have their heads go bang from drawing on too much power, so I'd say it's entirely possible for a weirdboy at least to get possessed. There is the aura of Orkishness that seems to provide some degree of protection, but I doubt a captive Ork would remain insulated for long. Possessing Boyz in a Waagh!, you've got no chance. Possessing a single Boy that's been taken captive and is isolated from a Waaagh!, and you're probably set.
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