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Mephiston and HG


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How does this work?


Does the HG provide a cover save to Meph?


Can all 5 of them jump into a transport together?


or do they just have to chase him all over the battlefield?



Whats the best way to run him, in a nonmech army?

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Well, you will notice, that while Mephiston is a character, he is not an Independant Character; for it is not listed under his special rules. Therefor, Mephiston cannot join any unit. He will always be on his own. While he can embark on a transport, he will have to do it alone. He always this, under any circumstance, alone. You can pick an Honour Guard for him being a legit HQ choice, but the HG is a seperate unit. They're no retinue. They're a unit on their own.


Would they provide cover to Mephiston ? Assuming they somehow screen him, they would. Normal cover rules apply.


Personally, I've only faced a Mephiston in a jumper army once. And I gunned him down. With all his tougness and wounds, he'll often be seen. So I'd really miss the vehicles to hide him behind in such a situation. In a Jumper Army I would utilize terrain to the best of your abilities. Also, a healthy assault squad to screen Mephiston. A Sanguinius Priest for Feel no Pain anyway.


But you're still quite limited then. Mephiston can't deep strike. Sometimes its better to deepstrike all your army, than to deploy them.


Assuming you're facing a terrible gunline while going second... Just imagine. Mephiston would be on his own.


But how can you really run Mephiston ? Hug cover and send him to kill stuff.


He can't be shot in close combat. Then again, what would survive more than one round against him anyway...

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Thanks for your quick reply. Also very informative.


I'd really like to run Meph, cause im attracted to the fluff, and really wanted to make my own conversion. Also the idea of having a tiny little dude, be a supreme wrecker of people's :HQ: was hilarious.


1) I wish I could use a Captain with Dual lightnng claws

2) Id like to run Astorath the Grim, awesome model, love the rules, but just not good enough.

3) Mephiston is awesome, but doesn't really fit a jump or hybrid movie.


Maybe if I use a Stormraven to drop Mephiston out? AND a furioso?

My recently posted list

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No problem, brother.


1.) Why don't you ? You get to buy him two weapons. Just buy two single lightning claws - they will become a pair. That should rock in combination with furious charge.


2.) I think he's ok... if you forgive his expensiveness.


3.) Ravens would work. He could deepstrike like this too. And a Furioso's just sick with talons.

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I'm in pretty much agreement with Baba Lem. I used to run a Captain with dual LC's, Jump Pack and stick him in a 10 man RAS squad and he always performed. Should still have Rites of Battle though IMHO.

Astorath is only really worth taking if your going for an all DC army. Don't underestimate how powerful this guy is when leading a 5 man JP DC squad. Forcing the opponent to reroll succesful inv. saves puts the hurt on hammernator squads.

I use Mephiston in my mech BA, easier to hide him behind a wall of Rhino's and assault anything that gets too close for comfort. In one game vs. Chaos he chewed though an Obliterator squad, a Demon Prince, a squad of Khorne Berserkers and Huron Blackheart without recieving a wound -_- . The Storm Raven is probably his best transport option albeit a pricey one if you include a Furioso.

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