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Requesting Pictures of a Finished Defiler


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Hey guys, Heres to hoping this is the right section for this, if its not I do apologize. But anyways, Im working on putting my defiler together and absolutely dreading painting it, but I was wondering if anyone has a finished one theyd be willing to let me take a look at to get an idea of how I want to do mine? I'd like to see how the Pros do it. :D


Thanks in advance!

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Well this isn't the best Defiler you'll ever see, since I've only just started painting a few months ago. The picture isn't that great of quality either, since I'm not expert in photography. And sorry, I don't have a camera with me, so I can only give you this one picture. Hopefully it helps though!



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Yeah, the claws were a pain, they must have fallen off about a dozen times before finally staying in after being glued on. And don't expect your Defiler to be finished quickly. I think it took me about 2-3 months of on and off painting to get mine done, and that's with skipping on the details at the bottom.


Which colour scheme is your Defiler going to be anyway? I knew mine was going to be World Eaters to fit in with my army but I think I sat there for around a week trying to figure out how exactly I was going to do that, so I understand perfectly what kind of situation you're in ;)

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Here's my Word Bearers Defiler (1st of 3). The claws stuck the first time with glue; have never had a problem since. Just make sure all the flash is clean off bits and things, and you'll be fine.










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Here you go, dude:




I chopped mine up so that the turret part wasn't on top, but instead in front. I cut the front part of the body off and replaced it with the turret, underslung the flamers, side mounted the primary claws, and replaced the head with the reapers.

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Wow! Seahawk thats one hell of a paint job. I'm doing a Word Bearers color scheme for my army as well. I'm going to have to do some long hard staring at yours when I have to sit down and try to paint it. I don't think its too High on my list of models to paint. The first one I think I'm going to do is that Khorne Lord on the Juggernaught I've been talking about in the general section for PCA. I do very muchly like that.


Also, thats a very unique conversion Void, I just finished assembling my defiler this afternoon. I just now got back from a game, my first time using him. He got destroyed on the first turn by a krak missile by some IG veterans... A little disheartening, but I'm still getting used to using vehicles.


Thanks for the Awesome pictures guys, It'll definitely give me something to think about when I take a look at mine again

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Here's some WIP pics of mine. The part in the picture is done, but the leg plates are missing.













The big challenge with the defiler is the sheer amount of model you need to cover with paint. Don't be afraid to do lots of big washes and drybrushing to get more covered. It's easier to build from sloppy to detail than to go straight to detail over the whole thing.

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I agree with Drudge Dreadnought. The only parts I actually took my time on really were the armor plates and trim; the rest was spray black, tin bitz dry brush, boltgun metal drybrush, chestnut ink wash, and mithril silver highlights.
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