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Angels Encarmine Sang Guard Pics


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Hello Brothers,

I'm posting pics of my recently finished Sang Guard. They are purity white with black wings and a red jump pack. I was sure to paint the blade encarmines red as this was a much more desired look for my tastes. Sorry the pics aren't the best but in reality pictures never really can catch the beauty the human eye can. Plus my camera just sucks. :D

Sadly on another note I confess I could not complete my LPC vows. I'm ashamed but I just bit off more than I could chew. I did thankfully finish the guard though. I plan to finish the vow anyway and was pretty close to it before.

Hope you enjoy.









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Although I always loved the Angels of Encarmine Death Company depiction, I was not enamored with their treatment of the Sang. Guard. This changed my mind though. Looks good.
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Thank you for posting these pics. I am just starting a Encarmine army. Going to be running to Stormbirds with 5 DC+DC(HQ or special)+DC Dread. going to be allot of white marines smashing heritics, these pictures have really given me a good idea of how that can look. well done, your dark lines are very clean.


Captain Cole

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Thanks for the encouragement. It's not easy painting up an unknown color scheme. It's been enjoyable though. I hope it helps others who have started an Angels Encarmine army. For those who would like to see my finished death company marine you'll find some pictures on my blog.


Thanks again,


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I've always wanted to do sanguinary guard with a skull white/mithral silver mix. One of the guys at my LGS did it for the high elves in the Island of Blood boxed set and it looked really trippy, it's white, but with the faintest silvery sheen that totally :cusss with your head. With the amount of armour on the SG it would look great \m/
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nice job! i am doing Angels Encarmine too, and am debating whether or not to do the white Sang. Guard. I am doing a lot of conversion work to change most of the feather-wing iconography to the AE style bat-wing icons. I am even testing bat wings on the Sang Gurad jump packs.
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Highborn Mergula- Your right! The contrast is extreme. Funny how I never noticed when starring at the minis. In the pictures it just pops out. My next batch I'll use codex grey as the base color. Maybe that will help.

Thanks everyone for the positive comments.

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