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Rescue by Angels


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'Take cover in that building!'


Phaeton and the rest of his squad sprinted trough the doorway of the Imperial outpost. Phaeton and Sergeant Aphael were the last ones in. As they crossed the treshold he other Scouts had already improvised a barricade by pushing down a table. Behind their meagre cover Scout Azriel had unstrapped his heavy bolter and was sliding in a fresh canister of bolt-rounds. Phaeton looked around. Including himself and Sergeant Aphael five Scouts were still standing.


Earlier that day three squads of Scouts had been sent out on a standard infiltration mission. Not two hours ago the Kroot and their Tau masters had used some alien weapon to destroy their Land Speeders. The Kroot had attacked and after a short but brutal battle the Blood Angels had been forced to make use of a short lull in the attack and retreat. Those same Kroot were still chasing them.


Phaeton had hoped the Kroot would lose their track in the darkness so they could return to Commander Dante and bring him a confirmation of the Tau presence on Hellas. Now their only hope of bringing that vital information was to destroy the Kroot.


Ten Scouts had been lost and in return perhaps five dozen Kroot and even more of their Hounds lay death between the site of the ambush and this building.


Phaeton looked around the building they had now entrapped themselves in. There was only one doorway, the one they had entered from. There weren't any windows but there were several gaps in the walls and the roof. None of them looked big enough for a Kroot of Tau to enter from though.


Phaeton heard the sharp crack of the Kroot carbines. He jumped across the table himself and in a crouched position he aimed his bolt pistol at the doorway. Save from Azriel none of the Scouts was equipped for long-range combat. Phaeton drew his combat knife with his other hand.


He saw Sergeant Aphael take a device from his belt and punch in several buttons before throwing it trough a crack in the ceiling. Sergeant Apheal caught his glance and grinned. 'A emergency beacon.' he explained. 'It is transmitting a signal to our allies where we are and that we need either reinforcements or immidiate extraction. It signal is clearer on the roof. But for now I suggest we focus on holding off the Kroot I'd say"


Phaeton nodded. Then he focussed his attention on the quickly closing Kroot. The moment the first one of them stepped from the wood onto the bare plain between the outpost and the wood Azriel pulled the trigger of his heavy bolter and bolts started flying. The leading Kroot was hit by several shots and on impact his chest exploded showering the other Kroot who had emerged from the woods in gore. The other Kroot kept running and leaping closer and closer to the outpost. Within several short moments over a dozen Kroot had been shot down by Azriel's weapon.


The aliens were tall and slender, their skin was blue-greyish like that of their Tau rulers and from their heads sprouted quills of spine-like hair. Coalblack at the root and bonewhite at the tips. Their sharp parrot-like beaks were the same colours.




A start for a short Warhammer 40.000 story I'm currently working on. Let me know what you guys think I don't write much so I'm eager to learn! Enjoy <_<

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Thanks mate ;)


This is what I wrote yesterday evening:



Suddenly the building started shaking. White dust fell from the roof on the red armour of the Scouts. Paethon looked trough one of the cracks in the side of the building. He saw several Tau who had taken cover behind a low wall and were firing their plasma weapons on the hide-out of the Scouts. For now the building would hold. If the Tau kept focussing their fire on some of the larger cracks the building wouldn't last very long.


Paethon smashed his elbow in the crack and made the hole larger. He saw at least twenty Tau in creamwhite armour. Above them hovered several drones.


Paethon hissed. "Throne of Terra, how did these bastards get on this planet in the first place!" Aphael looked trough the gap in the wall as well. He gritted his teeth. "We don't have the firepower or the numbers to take this many enemies on. If those reinforcements don't arrive quickly we're done for."


The Kroot kept advancing. Sometimes they would retreat but before long they'd resume their attack. The thirty metres between the wood and the building were strewn with the bodies of at least forty Kroot. After half an hour Azriel spoke for the first time. He slammed another canister of bolts in his weapon and reported:"Only one canister remaining Brother-Sergeant."

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