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Honour Guard Novitiate


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Ok so my honour guard Novitiate, what gear must he have and what can I arm him with and do I have to have I'm in my HG squad, can I just take 4 HG and leave him out or do I need him and what are the benefits of taking him, does he just act as a sang priest?
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He acts as a Sang priest without IC. You cannot give him any gear other than what he starts off with which i think is chain sword and bolt pistol. He is not an upgrade so you have to take him. BTW he is good so you would want him.
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He cannot be upgraded in any way so it is just bolt pistol/CCW or Bolter for this buddy, only a JP can be added. Also, he is an integral part of the squad so he cannot be targeted by enemy specifically like your other SP's but he also cannot leave the squad. He must be present in the squad as well. Simply, he is just a common member of the HG who's upgrade option was spent on the blood chalice he has. The lack of PW is crappy but otherwise, he is a VERY cool thing to have around as he is not a IC.
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You don't necesarily have to have his Narthecarium arm represented, it can be hard (and pricey) to find that bit sometimes. I'd say a bolt pistol and chainsword arm combo would be fine, just toss a few flashy bits with grails on him to denote his position and that should get the point across. It's really up to you how you want to represent his station, a white helmet or shoulder pad trim could do the trick too.
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Yeah, I'm using the DA veteran kit to make my HG, there was supposed to be bits to create

An apothecary in there but there wasn't (instead there is a crozius arcanum which I'm not comPlaining about)

So yeah I think I'll use some of the DC bits with chalices on, other than that I'll paint them gold with crimson robes

(scab red probably) and then use the DC jetpacks and I'm working on making a flamer/melta as you can replace

both bolt pistol and chainsword (on regular HG) with one of each so a combination. Of both weapons will be the best

Way to represent this I feel!

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