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How do I deal with Obliterators?


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stormraven with DC dreadnaught and 6 jumppack death company.


The lascannon and the multimelta can hit one squad, then the dread charges another, and the death company get the third.


Usually there's not much left after that.

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Obliterators are taken by chaos players for a reason. They are the best HS option in the codex, however they are out shone by the firesupport options in other codex and are much easier to deal with, their T4 down from the old T4(5) means that they are rather easy to make a squad of 3 rather redundant you just need to get 2 ID wounds through the probable cover to pull their teeth, not a hard thing to do for most armies. DoA I recommended BS missiles, mech vindi's and las preds.
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thx for all the responses, he normally spreads them quite far apart so trying to multi assault them out a raven is out the question really ill just have to try and deal with them a unit at a time. Which was costly for me last night as he just ripped through my troops with plasma cannons before i had chance to get anywhere near!
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thx for all the responses, he normally spreads them quite far apart so trying to multi assault them out a raven is out the question really ill just have to try and deal with them a unit at a time. Which was costly for me last night as he just ripped through my troops with plasma cannons before i had chance to get anywhere near!


They can be utterly devastating if you don't deal with them quickly. I was playing as CSM the other week in a Planetstrike game where I had 3 units of Oblits inside bastions. They were able to use lascannons at long range against anything that could damage the bastion and then switch to meltas at close range for anything that survived and finally plasma to deal with mopping up the remaining infantry.

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I cant help but notice no one asked what your pt level was like and what your list was like? So I will ask.


we were playing 1500, game was objectives with 1 objective in each others base.


I took




10 x Assault squad (PF, 2 x Melta)

10 x Tactical

5 x Sanguinary Guard (Banner, PF)

Priest (JP + PW)


5 x Vanguard ( 2 x LC + SS, TH)


Furioso (Frag Cannon + Heavy Flamer)

Drop Pod


Baal Pred ( TLAC + HB Sponsons)

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It looks as though you dont have much to deal with them. Although almost half his army is invested in this oblits. The Furioso inpraticular will be of little use against 2wnd terminators but the rest of your units have sufficient melta to drop in and start muscling their way one way or another to start taking out oblits if that is what you want to focus on.


Consider swapping the Furioso and the Baal out for something else that might help out more if thats what you'd like to focus on.

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How'd the Vanguards perform for you so far ?


They normally do ok, I just had a load of rubbish dice yesterday. Only managed 2 wounds from 17 attacks with them. Then they got assaulted by 5 Terminators with lightening claws and took 8 wounds which wiped them out!

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Consider swapping the Furioso and the Baal out for something else that might help out more if thats what you'd like to focus on.
I agree 100%,

If you can pack a few fast moving multi-meltas or power weapons (Oblits strike last in h2h).. then watch him begin to sweat.

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Multi Melta attack bikes kill them dead.


They are only Toughness 4 for instant death, so Lascannon and Melta kills them



Ahhhhh yeeaaaahhh..


This is how I'd role, combat his 3x3 obliterators with 3x3 MM attack bikes!!

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Im liking the idea of the attack bikes 150 points for 3 MM bikes. Never really though about going down that route but would give my DoA forces some upfront support.


Yeah bro, attack bikes are amazing support for any army in my opinion

I don't think people are really scared of them so although they probably won't

draw fire (which you don't really want anyway) this means they can really

they can get to your target really fast, pop it then get back out of there again.

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