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Defiler Loadout


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Hey guys,


I'm planning on converting a defiler in the near future (still sorting out bits and drawing up plans) and I was wondering what the best gear would be in your opinions. I'm not 100% that I'm going to convert it to have switchable weapons, so I want to make sure however I build it will be effective. In terms of my army (in case its important), I have no daemon princes, a fair number of regular marines with flamers/meltas in rhinos, mostly close range weapons. To stick with the close range 'theme' I was thinking twin linked heavy flamer and extra cc weapon. What do you guys think? What do you normally run on your defilers?

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I intend to do kind of a chaos stalk tank conversion, with defiler legs and a basilisk/rhino mash up as the main body of the tank. So dual cc weapons dont really fit into my idea (still trying to figure out the one cc weapon, might have it coming out front from beneath the tank). So far the flamer is out, as that was a very good point chillin, I hadn't though of that. Lots of good stuff for the reaper though, starting to sound pretty good. It was my second choice, as it comes free and seems pretty useful.


Any thoughts on the havoc launcher or lascannon options? I am tempted by the modelling opportunity of the heavy bolter...


(By stalk tank, I mean almost an actual tank on defiler legs, as opposed to the blood pact stalk tanks with the glass piloting bulbs and such. I'm aiming for something with a little more bulk, more armor)

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i use ccw and heavy flamer mostly cuz its what i had when i converted the 2 i had. but if i had it id probably run 2 ccw. i dont hardly ever use the flamer. if i shoot its the battle cannon so that means no other shooting. and when i get ready to attack it is usually things that are too far away to flame or things that the flamer wouldnt hurt much anyway.
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Like said previously.


2 CCw's is the best option for a variety of options:


1) You can't fire anything else, if you fire your battle cannon anyway.


2) when your battle cannon gets destroyed, your Defiler is better in CC, with 6 attacks St 10 on the charge, its a terrible adversary for anyone.


3) once your battle cannon destroyed, the followinf weapons to get a destroyed result would be your claws, if you have 4 of them you are okay for a while, and still be a threat in cc.


4) once the battle cannon destroyed your better be Fleeting anyway.

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Dual DCCWs.


2 DCCW, all the times. Theres no reason to have any guns when you can't fire them along with the default, and much better Battle Canon.


2xccw other options make no sense at all.


Like said previously.


2 CCw's is the best option for a variety of options:


1) You can't fire anything else, if you fire your battle cannon anyway.


2) when your battle cannon gets destroyed, your Defiler is better in CC, with 6 attacks St 10 on the charge, its a terrible adversary for anyone.


3) once your battle cannon destroyed, the following weapons to get a destroyed result would be your claws, if you have 4 of them you are okay for a while, and still be a threat in cc.


4) once the battle cannon destroyed your better be Fleeting anyway.

This, no contest. Any other configuration will be sub-par and/or useless, sadly.

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Any thoughts on the havoc launcher or lascannon options? I am tempted by the modelling opportunity of the heavy bolter...


No, they both cost xtra, and you can't fire either one of them when you fire the cannon, if you are going to keep a second gun on it, leave the reaper. As said the reaper is good at popping rinos, the HB needs a 6 just to glance one. The HB really only good against orks & DE and the like, and then only when used en mass

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Reaper and extra DCCW.


Reaper is good to have for multiple reasons:

-Defilers means less Oblits. How are you going to kill transports? Reaper is superior over the Battlecanon against Rhinos and worse to generate any kind of damage result. At least it is more reliable.

-Reapers help particularly a lot against Dark Eldar; a very tough matchup for Chaos.

-When you get immobilized and weapon destroyed; you can still shoot. And yes; that will happen. The odds of this aren't too high; but when you factor in quite some games and multiple Defilers; it's significant.


Let's see what you give up for it: 1 DCCW? Lol. That's not much now is it? You'll still have some S10 attacks left (just 1 less), so it's not like you give up a complete role in order to get the extra option in the form of the Reaper.


So yeah, no reason to get that extra DCCW and make yourself believe that's gonna win games for you.


See how easy it is to state something in a way like it's totally clear? ^^

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Wow thanks for all the replies everybody, alot of support for the twin CC weapons on here. But Chillin and Zhukov made some pretty good points. In my 4th edition experiences with IG, I can recall the occasional randmoness of the ordanance scatter (hence why I'm using an old basilisk as part of the conversion, maybe now it will actually kill something) so I think I'm going to go for the switchable weapons after all, and give the defiler a reaper OR a 2nd extra CCW.
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Reaper and extra DCCW.


<good stuff>


I have used defilers a lot, and I have to concur with this set-up. The Reaper AC is so much better versus light vehicles than trying to keep the center of the large blast template from scattering off target. It adds a lot of versatility for the cost of 1 A.


I have been tempted from time to time to upgrade to a Twin-Linked Lascannon for long-range anti-tank, as I am giving up 2 obliterators for taking a defiler. However, the upgrade cost is too steep. Maybe I will try it out in a friendly game for giggles sometime, but I cannot recommend it as a reliable tactic.

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Two advantages of the Reaper AC is that its one of the few Chaos-specific weapons out there and its a nice looking piece of wargear that doesn't force you into jury rigging another DCCW arm.


p.s. 6000th post! :) How do you guys put up with my ranting?

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My advice: magnitize ;) It's what i'm doing at the moment with my deffy, while waiting for the damn glue to dry. So now I can take reaper, DCCW, Flamer. Not bothering with the Lascannon.



OT. We don't minigun, we just ignore you for 6000 posts :P

Nah, just kidding, we still love you :P

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2x CCW seems to make the most sense. In a defiler list, it would seem like you'd have transport popping covered somewhere else, and that would mean firing the battle cannon every chance you could. So why have any other guns?


EDIT - but yeah, magnetize, for options if nothing else.

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