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I ran the following list today that I found on some other forums just to try it out. I've never used the Sanguinor before, so that was also new.


I ended up facing some shooty Tyranids with a hammer unit of a Swarmlord with 2 body guards(they had whips that made my I =1) and some other IC HQ attached as well. Things looked incredibly bleak by turn 3, and i was pretty damn sure that I was going to lose, so i started joking about my marines kicking it into high gear and acting like "movie marines". All i had left was Meph, Sanguinor with 1 wound who was still in combat with the swarmlord, my terminator TH/SS seargeant, a priest, the chaplain, 6 assault marines, and 2 sergeants, that it's, just 13 models. The only thing I managed to kill at this point was one of those monstrosities that :D out gaunts, and some gaunts.


In the next 2 and a half turns these few SOB's actually pulled out the biggest come-back I've seen with my own eyes. I honestly have absolutely no idea how many saves I made, it's mind boggling to even think about. Every single psychic power from Meph went off, except for 1 force weapon attempt, even rolling with 3 dice. Almost everything hit and wounded. And in the end I was close to tabling him before the handshake came across the table from my distraught and shocked opponent who couldn't believe what just happened.


The few heroes who made this a victory are definitely getting some trophies on their bases.



Sanguinor - 275

Mephiston – 250



Chaplain – 100

Sanguinary Priest - 50

Sanguinary Priest - 50

Terminators – 215

-3x TH/SS, 2x LC



Assault Squad - 222

-1x melta gun, Power fist x1, 9 marines


Assault Squad - 250

-2x melta gun, power fist


Assault Squad – 235

-2x melta gun, power fist



Storm Raven – 200



TOTAL - 1847

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Sweet comeback! When times are bleakest our boys in red shine through. I personally recall being outnumbered 100 models to 35 against Dark Eldar, meaning he had everything on the table and I was coming in from Reserves piecemeal. He had like 10 boats and 6 jetbikes swarming my 2x10 Tacticals in Rhinos and a solitary DC dread that dropped in behind him. Suffice it to say he popped both Rhinos and the Dread in Turn 1 and encircled my Tacticals for the slaughter on Turns 2&3 before I finally got Astorath, Lemartes and 5 JPDC on Turn 3, my 2 LRs and 2 Baals finally came in on Turn 4 and mopped everything up. I did learn one very important thing about my force - never reserve them again. Baals to the walls from now on.


Sorry that turned into a 'me' story. Bottom line is: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE BLOOD ANGELS.

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Right so 3 priests come as 1 place on the FO chart? Wow, I did not realise this :)


Which also means you could have as many as 9 Sanguinary Priests and 2 Sanguinary Novitiates in a single FOC. Not that you'd want to, but you could. ;)

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