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Help needed starting army


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Hi I’ve been painting Warhammer for 4 years now and been trying out about 3 armies but I’ve always been bored with the tiny amounts of conversion work and the lack of evil.


I recently saw a word bearer dark apostle (?) and I had to have it.

I'm buying the chaos space marine Battleforce and I’ve heard that chaos daemon prince is a must.

What i was wondering is what’s more useful 1 CSM squad, 1 defiler or 1 terminator squad.


I really like the defiler and terminators but i've heard they are big targets for enemy units.

My friends have a tau, space marine and Tyranid army and I want to play competitive

Also my budget is pretty low.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :P

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I'm buying the chaos space marine Battleforce and I’ve heard that chaos daemon prince is a must.

two actualy.


Also my budget is pretty low.

that is a huge problem.



What i was wondering is what’s more useful 1 CSM squad, 1 defiler or 1 terminator squad.

to start playing you will need . at least 1 HQ which for chaos means a DP . then [if you start at 1k] you get 2 troops . so 2 csm , 2 zerkers or 2 pms . ignore other units. buy rhinos for the two troops[no chaos does not do non mecha lists]. then you get 4 obliterators.


expansion of army looks like this . second DP oblits to 6 third troop choice . oblits to 9 . 2LR[if you ever want to play with a LR rush build] . 24 zerkers[if you dont have them already . if you do then you go for 30 csm]. 15 autocanon armed csm and 12 terminators . after that you dont have to buy any chaos models ever again under the dex we have.

also because "counts as" is a fully supported rule by GW , csm can double up as plague marines.


for all your asp champions you need fists . for each squad of csm/pm you need 2 specials. starting with a 2 to 1 mela plasma ratio is a good thing to do [at 1k it can 1 to 1 or you play with just melta].

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That is assuming you'll be wanting a tournament viable army.


For fluff-lists you're pretty much free to use any and all units available, just don't expect all of them to fare well as our codex has a fairly large number of broken and useless units.


One truly great thing though, our modelling opportunities are damn near endless. :P

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As you just starting out I would hold off on the maxed oblit, 2x DP, etc etc build jeske was mentioning. Probably not the best place to begin (though it is certainly one of the most competitive). Battleforce is a great call, plenty of troops and the right kinds too (regular marines and berzerkers always good). The possessed may not be optimal (far from it sadly) but they could be interesting and great for bits.


The small budget is NOT a problem unless you need a huge army right now, if youve been collecting for 4 years you must have patience. If you do want to do the super tourney oblit idea which is very competitive then its a problem, otherwise not so much.


If your gettng the battleforce Id recommend another rhino, a daemon prince for all his awesome killyness and other goodness, and of your other three choices (Chaos Marines, Terminatos, Defiler) its really up to you. The defiler would give you some nasty ranged support, a relatively good assault option and another target for your opponent to worry about. The chaos marines would bulk out your force, and as they are pretty good basic troops you cant really go wrong with them. The terminators are an awesome looking unit, but from what I've heard on these forums they are nost as useful as they seem. So I'd go with the Defiler or the marines.

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