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Advice for a new Blood Angel

Branek Icefang

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Hey all,


So I recently had to buy an Assault of Black Reach Box for the Orks and realised that with no Marine Army at the moment (sold my Space Wolf army to a friend because I stopped playing for about 6 months and he wanted a new army, got me some spending money and him an army, win win) so I have decided the Marines are going to be Blood Angels!


By a complete stroke of luck I managed to get a hold of some stuff a friend had and wanted to ask for a little advice. I have:








2 Corbulo

15 Sanguinary Guard

As well as the Tactical Squad, Terminator Squad, Captain and Dreadnought from Black Reach. And a fair few vehicles my mate didn't want. Ultimately, I have everything to run a list except the actually Infantry.


I was thinking of trying out a Rhino rush style list, couple of Tactical Squads, couple of Assault Squads sans the Jump Packs with the Corbulos (as Sang Priests) and a DC unit with a Chaplain, can the BA codex pull this off or will I get Curb-Stomped?


I also absolutely love Dreadnoughts and was thinking of trying them out, are DC Dreads with Blood Talons as awesome as they sound? Are Furioso Librarians strong?


Thanks for any advice you can give me.

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nice haul. with 15 sanguard and dante etc you could do a sanguard army.... if you do that you could change the tactical squad to devistators for cover, get some assault marines for extra cc support etc. really you can go whatever way you want.

and yes blood talons rock, until they wiff their attacks... though getting them accross the bord can be difficult(pods leave you stuk for a turn, ravens are expensive, running takes time...) other thoughts is you can run lemartes as a normal reclusearch, paint a sanguard blue and youhave a libby, probably convert the captain to a libby as they add so little to our lists.

but yea all you ideas can work too. id say go through the dex and see what you really would like to do with our lists that you would enjoy one way or another...

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I myself would use this as the base for a Heavenly Host army. The Sanguinary Guard with Dante, Astorath or the Sanguinor, this coupled with Assault Marines for some extra punch and Devestators for some covering fire..

A Rhino-heavy army sounds good as well. I'd take a mixed load of Assault Marines without Jump Packs and Tactical Marines to grab objectives and provide some close-range fire support. I would also take Mephiston, he can be a little slower then Troops with Jump Packs (altough he can use "Wings of Sanguinius") but he is a beast in close combat who can easily best a Daemon Prince..


And finally I wish you welcome :)


Good luck with the Emperors finest :)

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Did you get all that stuff for free, you wanna give me the corbulo spare? Haha.


Some great advice there already, I'm gon a give you my usual advice, make friends with attack bikes with multimeltas

They are great for popping tanks and transports and they look amazing in ba army (red with yellow helmets)


But yeah with all that SG you should almost certainly run Dante for his SG/troops rule and use the SG as troops

But as others have suggested devastators I say vindicators paired up with attack bikes, cause the initial damage with the vindie then mop up the rest with the bikes as your SG pile in and get knee deep in clarat!!

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