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PF vs PW for RAS..


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Usually I run PF (or more likely TH) but on most 5 man squads I tend to run PWs.


Lately I've found the points for TH worth it over fists. Being able to knock scary things like Nid MCs, Marneus Calgar, demon princes to I1 and then kill them before they swing is worth it.

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The striking last thing is not a huge drawback unless you're fighting something that is likely to wipe out the rest of your squad before you get to use it - in which case, you're in trouble already!


Personally I like the PF because it gives me a chance if I end up in combat with something nasty. I might still lose most of the squad but at least I stand a chance of hurting my attacker before I go.

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PF or TH I think, with the TH if your melta (presuming you have a melta in your squad) doesn't pop the vehicle you can always get 'crew shaken' and as James said it's good against big, hard, scary monsters!!
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I try to take PF or TH in 10 men squads, if I run 5 men squads I take PWs. The reason is that I don't want to lose initiative in already small squad and risk losing a model without being able to hit once. And I take TH/PF in every available squad if I expect to face lots armor and little infantry.
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I usually run PW on my RAS, for 2 reasons. 1stly, I like my whole squad (10 man) going at Ini, especially since I run my RAS with attached Sang Priests. 2ndly, and for sure less important, I like the look of P-Axes on my assault Sgts. Have been considering TH's recently though. But... I tend to try to keep my RAS away from the big gribblies...



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depends completely on the roll of the squad. I usally choose PF's for my RAS becuase I have other means of crowd control, so the PF becomes a multifunctional tool at that point.




My RAS are used for sitting on/clearing objectives since I'm going to play low points.

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