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Emperor's Children base


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Hey guys, here I am again with the legion base question.

So quick reminder of my crazy idea:

Building a black crusade force with every legion and few renegade chapters in it.

Basing the legions in theme with them


Thousand Sons - Desert sand

World Eaters - Blood rivers and cooled down lave rocks

Death Guard - Infested swamp

Iron Warriors - Trenches / ruines


So now I am in need of my Emperor's Children.

Any suggestions on what type of base would be in theme with them?



Thank you very much



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np mon . if you go just for looks and not for the "must win Golden Demon" with your models you will be happy with how it looks . If you have some free crash go find a place when they print stuff or where they make IDs or rework pics . buy a 4x4 sheet of marble and yourt set for the whole army. Puting them on plasticard works too. + you then can use it to convert extra armor . A friend of mine had a vet squad with a razorback for his greek/roman style marines [forgot how he called them duh] he used print outs for the extra armor . then he of course run in to problems of using the art of christ pantocrator , but that is a different thing .
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