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Good RED paint other than usual?


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i just started my Angels Encarmine force, and after looking over a bunch of GW and other peoples' painted models, and seeing an amazing red mustang on the street the other day, i have decided that the standard BA paint scheme red is too much on the orange side of red for me. i want a candy-apple/fire truck red. a real RED red, not leaning toward orange like the GW style. i also prefer flat paints, but this is less of an issue. (i know that the AE are a little bit of a darker red than standard BA, but i am probably not going to go much darker than standard, just less orange)


any long-time BA players have some advice on how to get the effect i am looking for? any suggestions much appreciated!



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It turned out a little dark but that was because I used a silver, gunmetal base, a gold base would produce a brighter red. It is a hard look to achieve and really can only be done with an airbrush. I was going to do a commission for a guy in a color very similar to what you have described but it fell through, to bad really, I was looking forward to it.


But this look is achieved much like a 2 stage paint job on a car, application of color, then application of transparent color, then a sealer, that is what gives it the depth and "candy" look.


Do you have an airbrush?



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Try Sanguine Highlight from the Privateer Press P3 line.


After a good base layer of the Sanguine Highlight, use several layers of Red Ink.


If you want a darker red, I'd try P3 Sanguine Highlight.


I think Reaper Master Series has a line of metalics that would match the automotive Candy Apple Red with metallic flake. Or they used to anyways.

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to get a nice vibrant red, you can undercoat with white and it will make it pop more.


For my angels encarmine force, I use a white undercoat with a 1/3 mechrite red (for some thickness) and 2/3 blood red then wash it with baal red wash. They turned out great IMO...

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