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"Hit" as relates to Psi-shock rules...


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Paging through the final bit of the Grey Knights codex today, and wondered about the Psishock rule.

Several Blast or Large Blast weapons have this ability, which causes any Psyker "hit" by the attack to suffer a Perils of the Warp effect in addition to any other effects.

Now, my initial understanding is that when the marker is placed for the weapon, and any psyker model is underneath the area of effect, that model is "hit." So, if a Space Marine Librarian is attached to a tactical squad, and the blast lands over 4 Marines, and the Librarian, the weapon generates 5 "hits", and the Librarian is one of those. So, he takes a Perils of the Warp effect, and the Grey Knight player then rolls 5 wounds that can be allocated to any model in the unit.

Is that a correct reading?


How wound a GK versus GK fight play out here? Say you drop a Mindstrike missile on a unit of Grey Knights. Are all of the models in the unit psykers, and therefore picked out as individual models for Perils effects?


These Psi-shock Blast weapons seem like a really good way to snipe individual models out of a unit.

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These Psi-shock Blast weapons seem like a really good way to snipe individual models out of a unit.
Yes, it is exactly what they're used for.


As for the rest of it, Psy-shock reads:


"Any psyker hit..."


This definitively means hits, not wounds. Then you follow the rules for blast markers:


"- all models whose bases are completely or partially covered by the blast marker are hit."


Therefore, you can hit psykers in units, force Perils, but only cause the actual blast wounds on other models. Over and over again...


For GK on GK actions, the only model in the unit that counts as/is affected is the Justicar. If he is dead, then it's a random non-character model as explained by Brotherhood of Psykers.

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But do you have to place the template to cover the most models in the target unit?


If so can you protect a Psyker from deliberate sniping (not scatter) by creating a clump of troops that must be the blasts initial position?

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No. Reread page 30 of the BRB: You pick one enemy model visible to the firer and place the blast marker with its hole over the base of the target model. Since there are only three psy-shock weapons in the codex, two of which are blast and none are template, that's how you can snipe with it.


You're thinking of Template weapons like flamers and such; these require you to cover as many models as possible.

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