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Land speeder Variants


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Hey there just had a few questions about land speeder variants and what each one can have. I wanted to have a Landspeeder typhoon which comes with the missile launcher and heavy bolter standard if i'm not mistaken. However I was wondering if you can change the heavy bolter on the top to a Multi-melta for the extra points and still have the missile launcher. The Codex states that ANY land speeder may replace it's heavy bolter with a multi melta for XX amount of points. Any help would be appreciated on clearing this up.
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You can do that, if you'd like.

Most don't bother, as the combination is less-than-optimal. You'd have to sit still to fire all of your weapons, and the multimelta has half the range of the Typhoon launchers.

The reason most folks take the stock Typhoon (launchers+heavy bolter) is because you can still move 12" and fire both the heavy bolter AND frag missiles. It's an effective anti-infantry platform. Alternatively, you can move 12" and still fire krak missiles, but no heavy bolter. That's an effective antitank platform.

The Multimelta+Typhoon Launcher doesn't have that duality. Move 12" and you can fire the multimelta and frag missiles, which just don't mesh, or the frag missiles alone.


Of course, it's your model and army. It's a legal combo, and if you feel you can make it work, do so!

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Yeah I actually realised how much of a terrible combo that was after posting with the large range difference you might as well just use the static typhoon... Thanks for the quick response and also clarifying why you take X over Y.
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  • 2 weeks later...
You do realize that the Land Speeder is a Fast Skimmer, that means it can move up to 6" and fire everything.

The MM Typhoon is a very effective weapon platform, just not very survivable.


And move up to 12" and STILL fire the missiles (provided one uses Frag rounds) as well as the heavy bolter.

It's quite the versatile platform.

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You do realize that the Land Speeder is a Fast Skimmer, that means it can move up to 6" and fire everything.

The MM Typhoon is a very effective weapon platform, just not very survivable.


This. The main anti-infantry killing power of a Typhoon is its frag missiles, not its multi-melta. This MM just means it can handle Land Raiders, removing the need for dedicated melta platforms (like MM ABs and MM/HF Speeders). However, this is sort of moving away from OR.

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