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Thinking of starting a Blood Angels Army

Zynk Kaladin

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I'm thinking of starting to use the Blood Angels codex for my Night Angels just to flavor things up a bit (actually I've been thinking of getting a Blood Angels army but I don't have the money to completely start all over). Luckily for me my Angels have "angels" in their name so it works out :). Anyway, I already bought a sanguinary priest and I'm thinking of converting another one. What else do you guys recommend I try out next? What kits would be good to look into to get a decent Blood Angels army going?


I pretty much have a basic marine army minus vindicators. I'm thinking of getting some more assault marines as my next priority and putting a jump pack on my librarian. General advice on Blood Angels would be appreciated.

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The Sanguinary Guard kit and Death Company kits have lots of great bits. The SG kit makes some really nice characters if you aren't interested in guard.
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Sounds like your doing everything right so far.


Genral tips

- razor backs over rhinos

- ball predators are the prefered medium vehicle


I converted a couple of my dark angels by painting the robes red, and leaving the armor the same shade of green. It looks ok. and a bit llike christmass.



All the Blood angels kits are good about coming with lots of extra bits. I used the death company kit.

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Death Company and Sanguinary Guard boxes are a great source of BA specific iconography to help make your current marines look more Blood Angely. As far as making Librarians is concerned the new Grey Knight box really gives you a whole ton of nice Librarian pieces to play with. From force weapons, to Psychic Hood torsos, to book iconography their is a ton of nice Librarian pieces to steal for your BA. I'm buying a box of PA Grek Knights to make up a few BA librarians, 2 non Jump Pack and 2 with Jump Packs for the DC sprue (I like dual Librarian lists).
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