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My take on a running dreadnought


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Got tired of modeling the same dreadnought pose after another, needed some life to be added to my army...so I sat down and knocked this out in about an hour, still needs work, but I am happy with the result. I may try and change the left arm a bit, I wanted him to look like he was reaching out and grabbing something. I also I have little gap filling and detail work to do. It is not going to be a DC dread, but I am going to make artistic use of the "X" probably with a checker pattern or something.


Thanks for looking!








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Exactly what a Blood Angels Dreadnought should look like..

You've just convinced me to buy the Furioso Dread myself (those Grey Knight Terminators will have to wait).

With those Blood Talons I'd keep them like this as if he is charging the enemy and smashing his arms around. If you had "ordinary" Blood Fists I'd go for the "picking-something-up" pose as well :D


Looking forward to see it painted :)

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Thanks for the compliments guys.


@vahring--I dont really have any wip pics, I just kind of made it up as I went, it really wasn't to hard.


@Dvron--Well get to work son..those things wont build themselves!


@Mergula--He is a few down on the painting roster right now, I have some commission stuff that I am working on, this guy will be done soon though, I have a 1750 tournament coming up that this one and another Furioso will be in.


@AODXIII--Thanks, the more I look at that left arm the less I like the position of it, I really want his arm to look more extended as if he is reaching for something.


@Smallboy--Yes it was a very easy thing to do, just be patient and dont cut yourself. The jazz comment made me laugh out loud, that would be a funny "themed" piece, pout a cane in one hand, a hot in another, and paint him up barber shot quartet style!

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@Smallboy--Yes it was a very easy thing to do, just be patient and dont cut yourself. The jazz comment made me laugh out loud, that would be a funny "themed" piece, pout a cane in one hand, a hot in another, and paint him up barber shot quartet style!



In my mind all dreadnoughts do a little "ta-da" dance after slaughtering a demon or something

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Great work yet again bro, your models are always worth checking out.

The first photo is amazing, you have really captured the pose/motion of the dreadnought in this shot



Keep up the good work, always good to see what you're up to red!!

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Looks excellent Redfinger, I think the arm position look great too. I don't think I'd change a thing, just slap some paint on him and start shredding infantry!


A quick question about the legs though, it's hard to tell from the picture what's connecting the legs to the torso of the dread? I can't wait to pic up a new dread kit and give a conversion like this a shot, thank you for the inspiration!

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Looks excellent Redfinger, I think the arm position look great too. I don't think I'd change a thing, just slap some paint on him and start shredding infantry!


A quick question about the legs though, it's hard to tell from the picture what's connecting the legs to the torso of the dread? I can't wait to pic up a new dread kit and give a conversion like this a shot, thank you for the inspiration!


I fashioned some aluminum tubing to go through the hip, then put some styrene strips around it as well. To get the dread from unbuilt to this point was about an hour of work, it was really rather simple.



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I think it looks great! In my opinion it would look better if the arm position was changed. I think the high claw should be opposite the high knee. Regardless I think the model is excellent and I do like the pose. Either way it looks really good, really dynamic.
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