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Dropping empty pods


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I was looking at the vanilla space marine FAQ and noticed that it said that i could drop my pods with no guys in them. i assume that this also applies to the BA pods?

well, i was thinking, would it be worth it to buy pods for people that you know are not going to need them (i.e. fire support dreads, devastators), just so that you can drop all of your important things on the first turn? i think that it may be worth the extra points due to the fact that you are really paying 70 points to come in on the first turn.

what does everyone else think of this? is it feasible?

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I don't have any Drop Pods but I was thinking about buying 3 or so and dropping them amongst the enemy lines to distract them. I would fill them with Forgeworld Drop Pod Assault Cannons. As I mainly play against Orks and Tau this would take a huge toll and in case of the Orks slow their advance down.

I don't know for sure but if you NEED to have troops in them I'd fill them with Combat Squads of Tactical Marines and drop them so the opponents are just within range of the cannons and the Marines can grab the objectives.

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In Non-Kill Piont missions, I sometimes use DPs to block the movement of large tanks, or provide cover for my infantry. Once I played a three vs three Planetstrike, and we used four DPs to trap a LR Redeemer. It was quite funny for my team, but not for the LR.
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