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The Force Sanguine


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I’ve been meaning to take pics of all my completed AS models for some time and this was my opportunity. I didn’t bother to total up all the points. Maybe now that I have a visual guide that will be easier to sum up.


And for all you rules lawyers out there you might note that there are more than a few illegal squads out there. The army has developed through 3 codices now (if you count that flimsy WD codex) so they’ve been through some changes over the years. I also put all my alternate sergeants & special weapon marines in there as well.


So with that, on to the eye candy:






















I took more but that’s it for now.


Comments always welcome.


Cheers, -OMG

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That's a spectacular looking army you have there OMG, it's a true inspiration to see all your excellent conversions and painting! Would you mind putting up a few close up shot's of the Fortress up? Keep up the great work!
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Here you go (that's about the best I got) and thanks for the comments:





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That's a spectacular looking army you have there OMG, it's a true inspiration to see all your excellent conversions and painting! Would you mind putting up a few close up shot's of the Fortress up? Keep up the great work!

OMG added to the fortress electronic votive flicker lights. This lights up the stained glass and make it look like the rooms behind the windows are lit by candle light.

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You have some truly beautiful models there OMG. I remember back when you were building and painting your dread in your 5th picture. The first time I saw it, it just blew me away how you posed it. I didn't think that was possible and it made me rethink the poses I have for mine. Your models are very inspiring, you enjoy this army and it show by the work you put into your models. Not only that but you also have a nice collection of them too B)


keep up the good work!



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Out of curiosity, what do you use the "dead" termie from space hulk for? Objective? Statue?

Actually, I just use him for Space Hulk. Not that he serves too much of a purpose in that game either. B)


I remember back when you were building and painting your dread in your 5th picture

That was some time ago wasn’t it? Thanks for making me feel my age Corbs; oh, too late, getting up in the morning beat you to it. The guys in my LGS refer to that as the, “Parkour Dreadnought.” Almost makes me want to paint up another one jumping off a dumpster or something. Almost anyway. :jaw:




Cheers gents. Thanks for the comments. -OMG :P

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That's a spectacular looking army you have there OMG, it's a true inspiration to see all your excellent conversions and painting! Would you mind putting up a few close up shot's of the Fortress up? Keep up the great work!

OMG added to the fortress electronic votive flicker lights. This lights up the stained glass and make it look like the rooms behind the windows are lit by candle light.



nice army shot OMG :) but adding lights to scenery? you are evil incarnate :(

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You and your army are an inspiration (my favourite colour scheme of all the ba successor's)

I don't even k ow where to begin.. I notice you have a robed unit, I'm doing a robed unit too

did you use the DA veterans body's? If so did you cut the dagger on the da symbol on some

of the models chest to resemble a blood drop?

But anyway bro everything you have created it pure genius, I envy your skill brother.


Ps.. How did you make the fortress?

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This army was one of the main motivations for me when I started collecting Angels Sanguine. I love the overal effect. One question - which company are your guys? I've yet to decide on mine but as I doubt they'd live up to yours, I'd like to picka different one. Top work!
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Seriously awesome painting OMG, alot of motivation for me to finish painting my Angels Sanguine instead of having an army of 60% finished models. A question I'm sure you have been asked but for the larger models ie: Rhino Chassis / Drop pods do you free hand your centerlines or mask them off, if so what do you use? I've had some less then good luck with standard painting tape as the color seems to bleed through it.
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can you get some other pics of the plas-las backs, and a close up of you death co. please

Short answer is yes & yes but it seems like I’m going to have to pay Photobucket for their services before doing so. ^_^



but adding lights to scenery? you are evil incarnate :P

Not all that original of an idea but it did add a nice touch.



I notice you have a robed unit, I'm doing a robed unit too did you use the DA veterans body's? If so did you cut the dagger on the da symbol on some of the models chest to resemble a blood drop?


Ps.. How did you make the fortress?

Yes, that’s exactly what I did. Notice though that those robed leg bits come with a back torso already attached to them. I cut all those away so I could lend a more dynamic pose to the bodies. The DA vet models by themselves look a bit static to me.


The fortress is a bit kit bash from several sources. The DA Fortress of Redemption furnished the multi-faced front pieces. Pegasus models provided all the 28mm gothic church bits. Add some left over Cities of Death bits, the facades from the Shrine of the Aquila and that’s about it. The inserts for the stained glass are just color prints & a little digital graphics manipulation. The big lascannon, radar dish, bunkers & barricades all came from a company called Quantum Gothic. Do a couple of Google searches for these companies and I’m sure you’ll find them quickly.



One question - which company are your guys?

This gets into a little more fluff than a short answer will allow but I’ll give it to you in a nutshell: The squads dedicated to the Force Sanguine are derived from several battle & reserve companies but function outside of the normal Chapter organization. Their Chapter Master, Raphael, allows the infamous, Hero Chaplain Arrassmus to run an “off the books” division of battle brothers to accomplish special operations that require an exceptional level of devotion to accomplish successfully. So this, “shadow company” exists both within & without the typical Chapter/Company structure.


Regardless, always feel free build your army the way you’d like. It’s your army, no one should place constraints around how you want to build it.



do you free hand your centerlines or mask them off, if so what do you use?

Way back, I use to try to mask them off as well but had the same problem you describe. Now I mostly free hand it. For the larger models I’ll measure out the centerline and leave a light pencil line to follow but that’s bout it. Most of the time that’s sufficient but that’s with a lot of correcting mistakes made along the way.



Band width exceeded!!! NOOOOO!

As noted… :D


Cheers, gents, -OMG

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Your models are sick. The colors are vibrant. I am a fan of your style of painting. I always look forward to your updates. Side note, for the longest time I had you and Black Orange confused. I don't know why I wrote that but I felt compelled to. Once again, great work! Would be cool to see your Angels and your Luna Wolves together.
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