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home made special characters

captain Angel

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I have come up with 2 special characters. one is sepharan, captain of the sanguinary guard.





sepharan 5 4 4 4 2 5 3 10 2+


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: jump Infantry

War Gear: artificer Armour; Blood Glave; angelus bolter, death mask, frag and krak grenades, jump pack; chapter banner; iron halo

special rules: fearless; descent of angels; herald of sanguinis, Blood glave



Herald of sanguinis: he is an upgrade to a squad equipped with death masks and a chapter banner for 50 points. if he is the last member of his squad, he becomes an independent character.


blood glave: this glave encarmine adds three to the wielders strength.



the second character is my own creation, brother captain Nicholas Angel, of the blood angels first company. here is some back story.


Captain Nicholas angel was a lowly marine of the blood angel’s assault company when he and his squad were ambushed on a routine patrol. His squad was killed by a group of blood thirstiers and only he remained. He survived, took his dead sergeants powersword and retreated to warn his captain, for his vox was no longer functioning. Upon arriving at the base of the blood angels operation, a battle was taking place in the hart of the building. He immediately clove through his foes to find his captain. Upon seeing that he was in mortal combat with a blood thirstier, he took up his sword and leaped onto the blood thirstier. He slammed his sword into the daemons neck while unloading his whole clip into its head. He was than thrown of into the wall behind the captain. Than as the caption went for the killing blow, the daemon slashed his ax into the captain’s neck, decapitating the leader of the first company. As he fell, brother angel took up the captain’s shield, and with his combat blade, charged the daemon. The daemon laughed manically as he rammed the ax into the marines shoulder. What would have clove a normal man into two, caught on the marine’s amour, but still buried deep into his flesh. taking the daemons surprise, and turning it into a weapon, captain angel thrust his blade through the underside of the daemons neck and met his sergeants power sword on the other side, as the daemon howled in anguish, he threw himself back into the warp to end his misery, his body falling lifeless to the ground. As Angel fell to his knees in pain, reinforcements arrived to save the beleaguered blood angles. Upon seeing the carnage, Dante, who was leaving the rescue, saw the dead captain and the body of the blood thirstier, and gave the marine command of the either company for his valor and heroism. He later became captain of the first company for his skills of command. He is currently serving as the advisor for the flesh tearers chapter


here is his profile.


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 250 points

Captain Nicholas Angel 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: Infantry

War Gear: Terminator armour; blood hammer; shield of Baal

special rules: and they shall know no fear, stubborn, eternal warrior independent character, captain of the first.


Captain of the first. Any reclusiarch or librarian with terminator Armour, may upgrade there honer guard to terminator Armour for 50 points.


if chosen than the honer guard will have power fist, terminator Armour, and storm bolter , and the noviate has blood chalice, terminator Armour and power sword. the houner gaurd may thak a blood champion, whic changes his power fist and storm bolter to two powerswords, or may take any weapons or other upgrades for terminators at there points cost, and a company banner for 15 points.


blood hammer, thunder hammer that strikes at strength ten, and adds one on damage table


shield of Baal. storm shield that in close combat, may nominate one model to have a 2+ invo save against.

example, if attacked in combat by a ten man ork squad with a nob, the 2++ save will go on the nob, And the 3++ save against the others. Note that the 2+ Armour may be taken as normal.




please post you thoughts and comments on these characters.

are the points values correct? if not, what should they be?

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First dude seems alright...Except blood angels don't really have weapons adding huge chunk of strenght, not like em I guess maybe something like the sanguinors special rule... rerolls on hit and wound against a IC would work better to make him killy


Also the other character seems alot like Lysander 2.0 on steroids... Like the example of getting 2+ inv save against a certain model(power weapons/fists seems kinda broken)... and if he's the first company captain Maybe he should have rules for veteran only army(sternguard,vanguard, termies?)

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I can't see the justification for a +3 to strength, especially since the way that is written you still gain the bonus from Furious charge making they guy s 8, I6 master crafted power weapon on the charge. Perhaps a +1 strength is acceptable.


And realizing that the same thread was started yesterday, this one is superfluous.



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