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TLOS and Melee

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Quick question that causes some heartburn at my local store. (I fully admit we are potentially like retarded jokaeroes flinging poo about and missing obvious rules, so I apologize in advance is this is blatantly obvious.)


Ok, so let's say I have an elevated weapon system...squad on the second story of a ruin, bolter in a drop pod, whatever. Right below said weapon system is a melee combat. On the other side of that combat is a juicy enemy unit. Now...can I shoot at that unit? We see a rules conflict: the weapon system in question can clearly draw unobstructed line of sight to the target and that target meets all the other rules of targetting. However, you can't shoot "through" the melee. So does melee create an infinitely tall no-shoot cylinder? Or does the rule mean that if the target is obscured in anyway by melee it simply can't be shot at?


Thanks for the help.

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Quick question that causes some heartburn at my local store. (I fully admit we are potentially like retarded jokaeroes flinging poo about and missing obvious rules, so I apologize in advance is this is blatantly obvious.)


Ok, so let's say I have an elevated weapon system...squad on the second story of a ruin, bolter in a drop pod, whatever. Right below said weapon system is a melee combat. On the other side of that combat is a juicy enemy unit. Now...can I shoot at that unit? We see a rules conflict: the weapon system in question can clearly draw unobstructed line of sight to the target and that target meets all the other rules of targetting. However, you can't shoot "through" the melee. So does melee create an infinitely tall no-shoot cylinder? Or does the rule mean that if the target is obscured in anyway by melee it simply can't be shot at?


Thanks for the help.

There is no prohibition on shooting through melee. Pg.40 of the BRB only prohibits shooting out of or into a melee.

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Its not a common occurrence, because as scruntched together as models are in assault its actually fairly difficult to draw LOS to a man-sized model on the other size, and there are few vehicles it wont obscure.
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You are right, of course, GM...assuming we're talking about a man-sized model on the ground. On several occasions I've had or seen units who can easily draw line of sight *over* a melee either from a building, a stormraven, a drop pod, whatever. We were just tripped up on an old rule. I hate when that happens. :)
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