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Independant character questions


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Independent characters......cannot [join] units that always consist of a single model.
The can join other independent characters...


Above are 2 quotes from the rule book.

I'm confused if a IC can join another single model IC. The 1st quote says no, while the 2nd says yes.


If the answer above is no, what happens when 2 ICs have joined a squad, but the squad is wiped except for the 2 IC? Do they have to split?



Thanks in advance

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It should also be noted that IC cannot join squadrens of vehicles, even though they do not always consist of one unit. Aditionaly the always is important, there must be no way for that model to be part of a multi model unit for it to be forbade, as such an IC can join a single model unit that has the option of taking aditional models (such as a space wolf tech marine, or a carnifex)
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Actually he cannot join a single Independent character as that would also count as a single model.


Their are occasions that 2 Characters were part of 1 unit though so thats were the part for characters comes from.


(and read before you post against it, twice or three times to makes sure you havent missed an s or something)

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IC's are the only single unit model that doesn't actually count as a single model unit.


IC= independent character

mephy= always a 1 model unit


IC's can join each other, as it specifies in the rule book that you can. IC's cannot join units that are always 1 model, however, they can join a unit that has the capacity to have more then 1 model like the iron priest, which you buy on his own, but you can add models to his unit.


Otherwise, if you had a tactical squad and it got reduced to one model, you couldn't choose to attach your IC as it is only 1 model.

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What if you have two ICs in the same unit (again, using Blood Angels... a Sang Priest and Dante in a squad of Sang Guard) and the two ICs are the only ones left, they can still be together? I would have to say yes.


But I do not think you can attach a Sang Priest to Dante from the onset of the game.

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What if you have two ICs in the same unit (again, using Blood Angels... a Sang Priest and Dante in a squad of Sang Guard) and the two ICs are the only ones left, they can still be together? I would have to say yes.


But I do not think you can attach a Sang Priest to Dante from the onset of the game.

The rules say you can attach 2 ICs.

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