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weapon types and shooting


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I'm looking for the rule that says a vehicle can't fire weapons with a different weapon type (basically, the rule that disallows the LR Redeemer from firing the Assault Cannon and the Inferno flamers).


Anyone know what section it's in or maybe even have the page number ?( I have the AoBR rule book)




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not to derail my own thread, but why is there so much hate for the LR Redeemer then? Even in this site, people criticize the LRR (I understand, that people whine for silly reasons, but I would like to try and follow the logic)
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Because 6 twin-linked, effectively Relentless, and defensive (!) bolters are really, really good and templates on vehicles are a little wonky.


Others can articulate it better, but the Reader's Digest version is just that the Crusader is better, not necessarily that the Redeemer is bad. But the Inferno Cannons are only useful at very close range and they will normally be forced to shoot at separate targets. Also, the Redeemer must be at close range and melta guns also must be at close range...see the problem there?


If you like it, more power to you. Play what you want to play.

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With regards to the rules, there are NO differences between the small AoBR book and the full-sized one.

The page numbers match, the formatting matches, the rules are the same.



Indeed, the full sized one has some aditional fluff near the back (after the litle one is done) and I beleive a few mission scenarios, but no actual rules.

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not to derail my own thread, but why is there so much hate for the LR Redeemer then? Even in this site, people criticize the LRR (I understand, that people whine for silly reasons, but I would like to try and follow the logic)


BC Ed has mostly said it :cuss


The two templates don't converge, meaning you usually flame with just one of your guns. Boo!

The hurricane-bolters don't suffer from that.


The hurricane-bolters have a 24" range, compared to the 8" a template gives you. So if your foe is a shooty one that deploys far from you, you can still engage him. This holds true for manoeuvrable foes like the Eldars and Bike Marines, too.


If your LR gets immobilised, you can still engage the foe and control and area with hurricane-bolters, whereas the templates become pitiful T-Rex arms, impotent grasping for a foe that will never come close.


Yes, the Redeemer can be magic when you conveniently drive in between two squads, etc. But in war, hoping for your plans to go off perfectly and not having a good contingency plan is, well, hopeful.

The Crusader is equipped with a contingency plan just from having hurricane-bolters instead of flamers.

Once you have reaped a heavy toll with your Redeemer once or twice, your foe is going to do his utmost to stop you cashing in like that ever again.


It's like when a Battlewagon full of burnas crisps your units. You know you cannot afford for that to occur again and so adjust accordingly.

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