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I'm trying to work out the best way to fit everything into a normal GW army case right now. The small one, with 3 trays. I'm hoping some other people here use the GW foam trays at least, and can offer me some help.


I'm trying to figure out the amount of space Sanguinary Guard take up, including wings and the one slot for the Standard Banner bearer (Alternately, anyone had success magnetizing this guy at the hand? Less space that way....), and how people think best to cut the tray for them. I have terminators and dreadnoughts too, though space is limited, and I'd prefer not to have to carve out too much of my precious foam.



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I use the same case (though I really want to upgrade to a Battlefoam bag, but can't afford it right now).


I put the Sanguinary Guard models in face down and they take up 1 space. Except the Standard bearer who takes up 2 spots.


Now, I don't transport terminators or Dreads in mine, mostly assault marines.

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I'm sure you can probably make those case thingys somehow, can you not buy the foam from hardware stores?


Also how much are those cases these days? They were around 12.99 when I was a mid so I'm guessing they are probably like 35 quid now for a small one.

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I find that my termies fit into the GW box if you place one the right way up and one the opposite way up. That way the bases don't get in the way. The dreadnoughts can actually fit if you don't put any guys in the top foAm area where you are going to place them and then jut put them on top. That way you can take them out and put guys in when you don't want to field the dreadnought.
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I have a multitude of dreads so i needed a bit more space for mine, it takes two levels of two spaces for each one. So you end up losing four mini spots for each dread. Unfortunately I have no where near enough space in one of those little cases for my army and have a couple of shotgun/riffle cases that are holding a large portion of my troops, and a generic power tool case I picked up for like 15 bucks and did some work with foam I picked up at a fabric store for my vehicles. I think I am going to upgrade to a Feldher case next month, use that for my infantry and terminators and just reserve that small case for Death Company, bikes and Dreads, maybe have enough room to stick scouts in there.
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Or you can just get queen sized sheets of bed foam for $18 and then use old duffel bags or rolling luggage. cut out eh sheets then cut out the spaces for the models. works great for me and i don't have to shell out massive amounts of cash on "professional" cases
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have you looked at KR multicases ? i can really recommend them, plus they do custom fit foam trays for dreads etc, even have one for the stormraven !


Where would I find these, I live in the UK by the way!


Is there a website?

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have you looked at KR multicases ? i can really recommend them, plus they do custom fit foam trays for dreads etc, even have one for the stormraven !


Ive just bought myself a KR Multicase and Im very pleased with it, The standard trays are ideal for tactical squads but if you have sanguinary guard or assault squads with unique poses then the 18 or 36 slot trays will fit them no problem.



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Thanks for all the replies, but there's been a misunderstanding! Though not all too bad, because that website will be nice to get my spare foam from =P


But, i already own a GW case, and need help organising it.

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