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Crux Terminatus

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Hi folks - I'm planning to convert a metal, power armoured Chaplain model to be a Dark Apostle, and the model in question has the Terminator Honours cross on his front. Would a Chaos Lord still carry this emblem about his person? My memory is shaky here, but don't the Crux Terminatus crosses on terminator armour supposedly contain a fragment of the Emperor's armour in them? Would this still apply to the smaller versions attached to power armour? If so then I'm presuming no warrior of Chaos would adorn his armour with the blessing of the Corpse Emperor. What do you reckon - do I keep it or do I get my files out?


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He is a Dark Apostle, correct?



Well, from the way I see it, Word Bearers loath the Emperor more than anyone else due to their diluted belief system, and of course the Dark Apostle would be filled with more hate than any of their lesser brothers.


That being said, the Crux Terminatus is said to have a sliver of the Emperor's armour in it, so wouldn't it only be natural for the Dark Apostle to literally rip the damn thing apart to find that silver of armour to find the shard and use it in some perverse sacrifice to the Gods?


So I would say keep it, but ensure that the item has been rent apart and gashed up until it is almost unreckognizable.


Just my two bronze skulls.

Although I like the idea of desecrating the Crux, it doesn't fit in too well with my army of ancient Word Bearers. As Drudge pointed out, and I wasn't aware, it didn't exist prior to the Heresy. So I think it's coming off! The Crux is right on the belt buckle of the model, and I'd like to replace it with something. My green-stuffing skills aren't too hot, so as much as love to craft a tiny flaming daemon head on there, I doubt I'd be able to pull it off, but I'm going to have to give it a go. Is there anything you can think of in any of the Chaos sprues with a tiny daemon head on I could use instead?
Remember, the Crux did not exist during the heresy. If the Dark Apostle has been around since then (which he'd have to be to be a Dark Apostle) his armor would never have had a crux in the first place.

He may have got his old armour destroyed and replaced it with loyalist issue? The armour isn't immortal even if he is. :tu:

You could just keep it as a trophy. Think about it, this has sliver of the Emperor's own armor in it, and you bested the Emperor's servants, so you should keep it just for it's twisted symbolism and mockery it makes of those loyalists.
When it comes down to it, you either need to get rid of it or obviously desecrate it. You obviously care enough about the accuracy of the model, so you can't just leave it or people will think you don't care or don't know about the crux (if you care what others think?) Either get rid of it, or make it clear that it's desecrated imo.
Or you could leave it alone, and bask in the delicious irony that the Emperor's own armor is protecting you from the wrath of his followers, who are being mocked and trolled by its presence on your obviously defiled, heretic self. :lol:


Oh Khestra, you wicked little daemon, you :P

Which one is it? The large ones on the abdomen plate (belt buckle?) of the jump pack and plasma pistol chaplains...? That type is definitely not going to be tolerated by a Dark Apostle, I'd say those would need filing off. If you mean the littler crosses like on the chest of the power fist chaplain (or is that a rosarius?), those are small and generic enough I'd say they only need enough alteration to avoid the wrong associations, shouldn't be necessary to totally smooth it off.

That's what I did with mine, anyway. Well, my first acolyte, to be prescise.


Or you could leave it alone, and bask in the delicious irony that the Emperor's own armor is protecting you from the wrath of his followers, who are being mocked and trolled by its presence on your obviously defiled, heretic self. :)


That was my first thought, too.

In the Ultramarines novels, Night Lords desecrated some fallen Ultras by nailing their corpses to their rhinos' front armour. Although a brother is essentially different from ancient relics, these are even rarer and holier than any Space Marine still in service.

It's a fragment of something the Emperor touched, after all.


So just keep the Crux!

Or just carve the one on the buckle of and give him a CT shoulder guard - carefully framed with heretic litany and ornamentation.

if you're really lazy, just free hand paint the 8 pointed star over the crux in red paint. The reason for this being that you can argue the red paint is the blood of the loyal astartes who formerly wore that armor. The 8 pointed star highlights the irony that something the Emperor had is being used as a tool for chaos.


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