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6th and 7th companies


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I am currently looking at expanding my army to feature some bike squads and land speeders. However, as my army is themed around a single company and already includes two ten-man assault squads, I'll need to draw my mounted units from the sixth and seventh reserve companies. Now at this point there is a little confusion about markings, especially for Blood Angels who's markings are so distinctive. All the squads in these two companies are tactical squads, but they are fighting in an 'assault' role. Should they have red helmets or yellow? Cannon advice would be a godsend, but any informed advice woulbe welcome.
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as the 6 and 7th company are made of tactical squads, so red


I personally will only have my 6th company mounted, and 4 squads will have bikes, and the rest of the company will have land speaders and attack bikes.

the captain and his houner gaurd, and the chaplain will have a bike.

i will make all modes with a on foot version to.

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6th and 7th companies are tactical companies which means that technically they would be red as Captain Angel states. In my opinion, I don't think you would be asked to paint your helmet were your 6th company squad temporarily assigned to the 5th company. If you were permanently assigned to the 5th company's assault squad, you'd probably end up painting your helmet appropriately to denote your permanent assignment. Just like sewing your patch to your uniform for your army unit, you'd only sew your own unit's patch, not the unit who you happen to be working with at the time.


Since GW has kinda changed their fluff a bit over the years, it's hard to really say what is genuinely appropriate. However give the info we have, I'd say if you intend to include 6th/7th company units, keeping the helmets red would be your best bet.


Personally, I run 6th company marines and at this time I paint stripes to denote battlefield role for each unit. The two Assault Marine units I have equipped with jump packs get a yellow stripe to denote they are currently serving the assault role. Devastators get two blue stripe with heavy weapon teams in tactical squads having one blue stripe (personal decision for this). Honor guard marines get gold helmets while my vanguard veterans (who are supposed to be 1st company vets) get full on yellow helmets with white skull company badges per the previous edition's color scheme. My goal is to work up to a full battle company with any additional units either being from another company or from another chapter. Case in point, I am working on a foot slogging, melta equipped assault marine squad who are will either be from a standard battle company or the Flesh tearers (haven't decided which yet). If from a battle company, they would get the usual yellow helmet + appropriate company badge.

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I hadn't thought of using another chapter for my spill over units. The only reason I thought they might have yellow helmets is that bikes and speeders are traditionally an assault squa variation. A marine on an assault rotation would paint his helmet yellow, so maybe 6th and 7th company marines would consider themselves as assault squads when mounted and wear yellow helmets accordingly.


I may well simply paint up my speeders as Angels Encarmine anyway, as I'm planning to add some white Sanuinary Guard and Death Company to my Angels Sanguine army

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