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Highlighting yellow


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Ok so for my yellow helmets I've started with chaos black then iyanden darksun then a badab wash then golden yellow but I'm wondering what colour to highlight with and I prefer just to use one colour rather than a mix of colours! I'm thinking maybe bleached bone!?
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I add a little bleached bone to the Iyanden dark sun color. Just mix a drop, or brush-full, of each together. Bleached bone on its own is probably a bit too extreme.


^ this

bleached bone and or white to the highest yellow you've used should do the trick

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This one is still in need of final highlights and a few details (like the metals and the lenses to finish)

My recipe is as follows

Black Undecoat

Iyanden Darksun (really thin layers until pretty much smooth colour)

Golden Yellow

2 washes of Gryphonne Sepia

Golden Yellow

1:1 Golden Yellow: Sunburst Yellow

1:1 Sunburst Yellow : Bleached Bone

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Here's the method I used for my Imperial Fists, which I'll be transferring to my assault squads:


1. Prime Skull White

2. Paint with a 1:1 mix of golden yellow and old yellow ink (you could skip this stage and simply prime with Iyanden Darksun instead)

3. Wash the whole model with watered down Vermin Brown

4. Re-paint with thin layers of watered down golden yellow, until you get a flat colour, leaving the vermin brown showing in recesses

5. Highlight with 1:1 golden yellow-bleached bone mix

6. Extreme highlight with bleached bone

7. Tone down with wash of watered down yellow ink

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My recipe is as follows

Black Undecoat

Iyanden Darksun (really thin layers until pretty much smooth colour)

Golden Yellow

2 washes of Gryphonne Sepia

Golden Yellow

1:1 Golden Yellow: Sunburst Yellow

1:1 Sunburst Yellow : Bleached Bone

Pretty much exactly what I do but I leave out the last two steps. I think the sepia wash is the key. I tried a devlan mud wash and a badab black wash before I settled on sepia, it give it some depth without overpowering the bright yellow look I was going for.

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I'd at least give the sepia wash a try on your helemts, it's hard to describe what color the sepia wash actually is. the best I can come up with is that it's a lighter reder brownish color, if that makes sense. I've used it heavily in some desert bases for my Orks and it's really a great wash for when you want dark but not too dark.
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I would have to say the sepia wash is the way to go for yellow. I just got finished doing the helmets for a squad of assault marines and I was pleased with how well it worked. My recipe's pretty much the same. Black prime-Iyanden base-Gryphonne Sepia wash- 1:1 Golden Yellow/Iyanden-pure Golden Yellow-Sunburst Yellow highlight.
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