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Have death company ever worn terminator armour


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You can have Terminator DC. You just have to field them as an elite choice and follow the rules of normal Terminators.... It about being creative and staying inside the rules. To you they're Terminator DC, but to the opponent they're just Terminators. No big difference. It's "in your head". :)
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And, isn't their whole point to die honorably and gloriously in battle? So, giving them more armor would be kind of pointless, yea?



And, isn't their whole point to die honorably and gloriously in battle? So, giving them more armor would be kind of pointless, yea?



*Cough* Lone Wolves* Cough.

Not only is their rank removed, but NO chapter would willingly put their most prized and irreplaceable tactical dreadnought armour at that level of risk.


In 3rd ed codex, you could have a member of a terminator unit succumb to the rage and be replaced with a model in power armour.


I dont think it's so much that terminator armour is a relic (Tycho's artificer armour got a coat of black paint...) in so much that you cannot run as fast in terminator armour, and the range of arm motion for ripping off limbs is so much less.


The 3rd ed Flesh Tearer list also had DC in terminator armour, +25% cost, get rage and FNP. etc.


I'd put a character with them, using the rules for a priest, but call him a death warden or some such, so you get the special rules.

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The official answer is, yes to deathcompany terminators, and yes to official. Here is the cover of an upcoming space marine battle book called the death of integrity.



Novels have no impact on the rules. I'm not even sure that 40k novels can be considered canonical, given that they contradict each other and the rulebooks.


Then again you are always allowed to paint your terminators black (or pink for that matter) as long as they follow the normal rules for Assault/Ranged Terminators.

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The official answer is, yes to deathcompany terminators, and yes to official. Here is the cover of an upcoming space marine battle book called the death of integrity.



Novels have no impact on the rules. I'm not even sure that 40k novels can be considered canonical, given that they contradict each other and the rulebooks.


Then again you are always allowed to paint your terminators black (or pink for that matter) as long as they follow the normal rules for Assault/Ranged Terminators.


The original poster asked if deathcompany had ever worn terminator armour, and in death of integrity, they do. Has nothing to do with rules.

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Actually, I believe there used to be DC termies and Scouts. Once you are a Son of Sanguines you can fall to the Black Rage. Old rules had a random roll per any squad for someone going into the black rage and being inducted into the Death Company. Scout, Marine, and alike. And uh, I'd like to see anyone who says otherwise tell the guy in TDA that thinks he's Sanguines himself fighting Horus to "take your armor off, it's to valueable to us"

   Now I don't think they kept the tabletop rules of whatever wargear they had, everyone went to basic 3+ with rending at the time. But just the same. 1st-10 companies (1-4th for my Flesh Tearers) used to all lose members to the Death Company.  

  In tribute, the base of my Death Company Stormraven will have DC scouts and Termies running on it.

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You can actually make your DC termies with our current codex. I was actually thinking of it, for a fluffy DC list.


5x Assault termies (or more) with TDA reclusiarch/chaplain and TDA priest. That results in 7 termies with all the DC special rules, besides rage. Only 450+ pts ey?

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I think i may have suggested this in this same thread but earlier. Ally in some wolves and paint up a lonewolf in tda as DC. As Malus quite rightly points out. No sane person is going to tell that guy to take the armour off. And to my mind no one would really want to be fighting next to him because lets be honest, a superhuman super soldier that is already tough as nails is now wearing armour that vastly improves his combat potential is going to be even more mental than his brother in power armour.


So for me the lone wolf fits perfectly. After all, there are DC Dreads. The codex says itself that they put them in stasis and then wake them up for a fight because otherwise their just to dangerous. I can imagine the same thing with a guy in TDA. Its might not happen often but it happens. And of course the chapter are going to want the armour back. So what better way then to stick him in stasis. Drop him on the enemy when theres a fight, and if he dies then job  done. You can now retrieve the armour with out fear of being ripped limb from limb. It also fits with the wolf losing you VP if he doesn't die.  

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nice topic op. As for the direction of it...  death co has changed a bit recently (i prefer the tower to silly astro) but anyway is it possible? well if its possible for a veteran to fall to the rage, then yes. unlikely but yea. squad suited and booted, on the field  and whatever it is that triggers the gene memories, well the whole squad is likely to be effected by it... if moriar a captain could fall then i can see termys falling(also one of our previous chapter master fell to it or first co masters or something, the reason why both chaplains and priests are on our council)


anyway if they are in battle are they going to have their armour removed, restricted etc, good luck anyone trying to do that. are they going to be left unmarked by their chaplains so if something happens other brothers wont know to get outta the way... ive a feeling that it  might be a chaplains responsibility to carry around an airbrush for just such emergency's... i would love to make a squad of temys with big swords to hang out with my chappy. 


and no, this isnt an ideal scenario for the chapter, but then since when in fluff have we had ideal scenarios work for us angels?

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Heres the kicker - the chaplains spot that their control over the Rage is failing long before they get to putting on the TDA. Perhaps any veterans who are thought to be a bit 'flakey' are assigned to a Vet Assault Squad instead of being sent to the Company Armoury to be outfitted with TDA, (an unoffical 'at risk' squad deployment if you will) or if they are noted as begining to fail then they are asked to get out of the TDA at the earliest opportunity. Consider that Tycho was known to be falling for a few years before he actually snapped, and in that time was still lucid and in control enough to lead a company of marines, or even the marines who were subject to the Lestralio Proceedure who were lucid enough to consent to it an dbe restrained onto a table in the Apothecarion before being encouraged to let the Rage take them (note - they still had enough control that the rage didnt take them until they allowed it to, even though they knew that they couldnt resist it for long enough to get to a warzone and die in battle). Its not like a steel cable that when stretched will hold until it suddenly snaps, its more like an elastic band - you can see/feel it stretching and can feel how much further you can pull it, but you know when you're getting to the point of failiure.


BA Chaplains are very very good at Elastic Band fights...

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It's no wonder 40K's fluff is so jacked up when so many players just do whatever they want without any regard for the lore.

My blood angels deep strike land raiders, as they launch them from a land-raider launching titan gun, just like angry marines do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

if you read the fluff and novels, there is a rite of armament when a marine, termi honor guard etc etc, recieves the armor, they have to make the litanies to gear up and make some sort of battle honored prayer to succesful honor the spirit of the suit and wargear, it allso says that if the succumb to the rage, they are guided away by chappys and chained only to be released before the start of battle, and have the armor they wear painted black with the red crosses etc indicating there DC status. so to undo a terminators armor, and then suit him up in power armor without the rites of battlegear to honor it, it can not be, so imho there should be termi DC

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the rites and litanies of arming, activation, interaction with some technical gadget etc. are just fancy words for going through the proper startup procedures without really knowing why you do the stuff.


It all depends on how much more difficult it is to get the madman out of TDA than painting his armor black with him in it. If he is stripped anyways, there really is no reason to waste a good suit of TDA.

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if you read the fluff and novels, there is a rite of armament when a marine, termi honor guard etc etc, recieves the armor, they have to make the litanies to gear up and make some sort of battle honored prayer to succesful honor the spirit of the suit and wargear, it allso says that if the succumb to the rage, they are guided away by chappys and chained only to be released before the start of battle, and have the armor they wear painted black with the red crosses etc indicating there DC status. so to undo a terminators armor, and then suit him up in power armor without the rites of battlegear to honor it, it can not be, so imho there should be termi DC

And here's the bit you're forgetting. They do not start out in TDA, if they show signs of being about to fall to the rage, then they are not put into the TDA... Let alone that the majority of marines who are inducted into the DC are not entirely gone at the point of induction - they are aware enough to want to choose to go out fighting before they go mad...

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Oh :cuss.


3rd ed. Flesh Tearers had DC Terminators as an option.  So DC Terminators are perfectly canon for at least one successor, even ignoring the 'entire army of DC' nonsense from Chapter Approved in 3rd.  (Who knows, given Flesh Tearers used to succumb twice as often, maybe their chaplains were incompetent...).


Give you even odds DC Terminators were 2nd ed. legal somehow too.


Anyone arguing DC Terminators aren't canon/fluffy is wrong, because Flesh Tearers.  It doesn't matter why they used them, they did.  Justifying it is just a matter of a little creativity.

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Oh :cuss.


3rd ed. Flesh Tearers had DC Terminators as an option.  So DC Terminators are perfectly canon for at least one successor, even ignoring the 'entire army of DC' nonsense from Chapter Approved in 3rd.  (Who knows, given Flesh Tearers used to succumb twice as often, maybe their chaplains were incompetent...).


Give you even odds DC Terminators were 2nd ed. legal somehow too.


Anyone arguing DC Terminators aren't canon/fluffy is wrong, because Flesh Tearers.  It doesn't matter why they used them, they did.  Justifying it is just a matter of a little creativity.


i was going to say, did anyone play in third when your whole army could be DC?  no rolling, they just all succumbed?  so yes, it can and has in fluff outside of a novel, and yes, there have been rules for it.

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Squirreloid-  there were no DC terminators in 2nd ed. And I really dont remember the FT's ever having DC terminators as an option. 


As for that 'army of death' - i'm not even going to dignify that with a well-researched point-by-point discrediting as it really doesnt need it.

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