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Lord Torin Varturus


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Well, here's a little project I've had sitting on the sidelines for a while, and just recently realized I had enough parts to get my next army started up alongside my Carcharodons and Lamenters. Without further adieu, here you are:














Chapter Master Torin Varturus


Torin Varturus, born 655.M41, is the current Chapter Master of the Death Spectres Astartes Chapter. He is a proud, but hard man. His words are typically smooth, with the air of an aristocrat about them; yet, his actions are focused and pure. Favored by many as easy to speak to, Torin prefers all to refer to him as “Brother”, and not “Lord”.


First recruited on the Chapter’s homeworld of Occludus, Torin’s rise to power was a long and arduous one. In his first engagement as a battle brother of the Chapter, the young Death Spectre strangled an Ork Big Mek to death with his bare hands when his combat blade was destroyed. Years later as an Assault Marine, Varturus was responsible for fourteen confirmed vehicle kills against Traitor Guardsmen of the Vlaskin 7th; and eighty-five years past that, was inducted into the Chapter’s Honor Guard for one of his most reknown acts to date. Upon being the only survivor of an Iron Warrior ambush that saw the rest of his Tactical squad murdered upon deploying from their dislocated Drop Pod, Torin managed to deploy hit-and-run guerrilla tactics against the traitor legionnaires for three consecutive weeks while the rest of the Death Spectre’s Strike Force pressed through the Iron Warrior’s complexes to further advance . In that time span, the lone battle brother claimed a tally of over thirty nine kills against the renegade Astartes, and was instrumental in shutting down a pair of void shield generators that blocked the Strike Force from advancing. Upon being returned to his Chapter, Torin was immediately granted the honor of joining the Chapter Honor Guard and would further serve there for another fifteen years before his rise in the darkest of times.


In 995.M41, the entire Chapter deployed against the encroaching Tyranid Hive Fleet Jorumgandr, and in 998.M41 during “The Battle of the Black Nebula” did Torin Varturus earn his place. As part of Chapter Master Raizus Olix’s Strike Force in Admiral Vortigern Hanroth’s massive fleet, the Death Spectre and many others boarded a primary Hive Ship where the fighting would prove to be thickest. Upon fighting their way through the living vessel, to the heart, did the force prove its mettle. In the thickest of the combat, Lord Olix fell in single-combat against a monstrous Hive Tyrant, his mighty relic-weapon failing to help him slay the creature. In blind fury, the enraged Varturus tore his way through the alien opponents and towards the form of his fallen lord. Upon reaching his dying leader, Olix weakly transferred his seal of “Lord of The Spectres” to the grief-stricken Torin in the form of his four ancient rings, all potent digital weapons existing since the Chapter’s initial creation. With the last of the rings transferred, Olix died with a smile on his blood flecked lips, saying “We are in good hands” as his final words to the Chapter. With his new responsibility, Varturus retrieved “The Harvester” near Olix’s body. The weapon was a mighty double ended scythe, a weapon that if stood upon itself, was taller than a suit of Terminator armor. Upon gripping the vaunted relic in his gauntlets, did Varutus call out a challenge to the bestial Tyranid leader. In some way or another, the creature understood his challenge, and roared in return, charging in with thundering footsteps. Hammering blow for hammering blow in a duel that lasted perhaps five minutes, warrior and alien clashed amongst the untold carnage, and despite the impossibility, the Death Spectre prevailed, decapitating the towering alien with a swing containing every ounce of his hatred. Their mission now a success, the Boarding Force fell back, taking their dead with them. Despite the horrendous casualties suffered by the Imperial side of the conflict, Jormungandr was considered scattered and the operation a success.


In his first official act as Chapter Master, Torin deployed six full companies of the Death Spectre’s to the Eye Of Terror to aid in repelling of Abaddon’s Thirteenth Black Crusade. One of the Chapter’s most notable successes in the campaign of defending the Cadian Sector was the “Siege of Lelithar”, in which the Chapter heavily utilized jump pack equipped Assault Squads to quickly capitalize on every gain made by the allied Imperial Guard. At the closing of 999.M41, word of Hive Fleet Jormungandr returning reached the Death Spectres, and as of now, the Chapter is currently rerouting all forces to engage; with Varturus at the fore.


-Matt ^_^

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Very cool model, and I love the fluff (and that's not just because I am a fan of the Death Spectres).


The only thing I wish about this characters model is that the weapon just screams to posed as if it is swinging or spinning around. Could you see yourself making another version of this character perhaps?

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Very cool model, and I love the fluff (and that's not just because I am a fan of the Death Spectres).


The only thing I wish about this characters model is that the weapon just screams to posed as if it is swinging or spinning around. Could you see yourself making another version of this character perhaps?


In the future, maybe in a year or less from now, definitely! All it took was a Command Squad box, and a pair of Typhus' Manreapers. Next time I'll need some Assault marine running legs too! :)

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