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DeathKnight2000: Yeah, that's the plan. I was thinking of eventually magnetizing the sword arm and backpack and swapping out gear to use him as Sanguinor, but I'm on the side of thinking that the Sanguinor model is really epic. Plus I want to try Seth's rules first because he seems like a lot of fun. I also want to keep HQ points down for the moment. Thanks for the reply!
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Thanks Black Orange!

Good to hear from you. I've been following your Bloodstrike story. It's an amazing story so far. I'm really digging the evil Grey Knights. And the Void Walker is one tough dude. I hope he manages to stick around for a few more fights!

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Here is a WIP RAS Sergeant currently armed with a powersword. I am thinking about meltbombs and a hand flamer as his side arms. The rest of the squad will have normal JPs. I wanted him to stand out. Thanks for checking it out! I look forward to any comments you may have.
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I just started thinking about this guy a couple of days ago. He came out of the discussion on DC TDA. I am going to be working on my own Strikeforce so I am going to be creating a lot of my own ideas to go with how my force opperates and doing a bit of counts as modeling. Anyways, like I said, just started with this guy. He is going to be a DC Sanguinary Priest. He will count as Lemartes. I'm going to paint him black. I may keep his helmet white, or maybe black or bone? What do you think?





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These look REALLY good. I love the Yellow on the helmet! It’s not to comical and more a realistic tone, the red and gold Look also really nice, although The guard’s red is still WIO I take it? All in all lovely models!



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I just started thinking about this guy a couple of days ago. He came out of the discussion on DC TDA. I am going to be working on my own Strikeforce so I am going to be creating a lot of my own ideas to go with how my force opperates and doing a bit of counts as modeling. Anyways, like I said, just started with this guy. He is going to be a DC Sanguinary Priest. He will count as Lemartes. I'm going to paint him black. I may keep his helmet white, or maybe black or bone? What do you think?



I think for a priest he looks wicked awesome... For Lemmy.. a bit confusing maybe. The addition of LC instead of the usual crozius could lead to some confusion. I think a sang priest in DC colors will look awesome by the way. Why not do that instead, running him as a sang priest with the DC and actual Lem in tow? Buuut as long as you clear it up with the guy across from you, go for it.


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Thanks for the feedback guys.


FatMan: Yeah, everything is WIP. I will eventually get the highlights on the red and really make it pop! I just want to get a few more projects underway first. Stay tuned...


CC: Hopefully the claw isn't to much of an issue, being counts as Lemartes. His crozius already has a special rule so I think it can be done within the guise of being a special type of LC. Hopefully once he has been painted up as DC it will be an obvious counts as. I'm more interested in friendly games anyways. I thought this might come up, but I couldn't resist the idea. I'm still working on his back story, something about having all that extra Primarch blood in his system causing him to Hulk Out up to Lemartes stat level. Thanks!

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Thanks AGPO. I just primered him black so I'll start the conversion work on the arms this evening. The base is from a 40k basing set from GW. It's decent, although, there are pieces I won't use there are also some ones that stand out like a pile of skulls...
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I'm wanting to make my own captin who uses seth's rules a d I've had a few ideas for a double handed weapon but you actually used seth's bloodreaver? Is it just a separate sword with just the hands attached or something or was it alot of work? Someone sent me a link to a double handed weapons pack that has a similar chainsword in it which I'm also thinking of getting but if I could just use seth's actual bloodreaver that would be great.
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1Drop: Yeah that is Bloodreaver. I think the model for Seth it really good for conversions. Bloodreaver is very easy to use for another model. Plus, Seth can be used for another conversion as well. There is also a very cool backpack. I would definitely recommend his kit. There are a lot of conversion possibilities
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  • 2 weeks later...
The back story on Atreus is really good, you are a very gifted writter as well as a modler and painter. All your stuf is coming along nicely. What bits have you used for your new CA Corbulo?
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