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Thanks 1Drop, much appreciated bro. I'm glad you read the Atreus story. Its good to have you along for the ride. He was a fun one to build! I am still undecided on how I am going to paint him. My regular SP will be red with white helmets and trim. The old fluff has the Priest with white artificer armor. I was thinking about doing that to further set him apart. Plus it will give me a chance to paint something besides red and black. I've seen some other SP painted white as well as Angels Encarmine and they look really cool. Looking forward to seeing your Seth counts as...
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Thanks 1Drop, much appreciated bro. I'm glad you read the Atreus story. Its good to have you along for the ride. Corbulo grail arm and legs, devestator helmet, apothecary backpack, SG torso, assault marine arm, plastic marine fist from the old kits, bezerker chainaxe, DC shoulder pads. He was a fun one to build! I am still undecided on how I am going to paint him. My regular SP will be red with white helmets and trim. The old fluff has the Priest with white artificer armor. I was thinking about doing that to further set him apart. Plus it will give me a chance to paint something besides red and black. I've seen some other SP painted white as well as Angels Encarmine and they look really cool. Looking forward to seeing your Seth counts as...


I think White with red trims on the shoulder pads and the top bit that sticks out on the helmet and the sort of ear bits in red too would look good as well as some red on the backpack and maybe red knees and feet would look really good! This is the sort of thing I wanna do for my priests!

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