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Magna-Grapple and Frag Cannon Interaction


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Ran into a situation that almost did this the other day, and had an idea- If you are out of range of the Frag Cannon, but in range of the magna-grapple, can you use the pull motion to bring the target into range of the frag?


Specifically, I had a dop pod Furioso the other day land right at the edge of template range to my opponent's battlewagon. he let me use it, but it was one of those that I'm not so sure about. If I had been another inch or two away, I could potentially have fired the grapple first, then would the pull have happened? If I could have pulled it even an inch or two, I could have gotten into solid template range.


Except...I seem to remember hearing that all shooting happens simultaneously. Does that keep you from doing the frag after the magna-grapple? Or does the rule for the grapple imply that the reeling in happens after all damage is done?

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per the rules all shooting happens simultaneously...now if you had dragged the vehicle into melta range of another unit or frag range of another dread that is a different story and you would be allowed to shoot with the other model.


This is one of those situations where target priority and order of shooting/assaulting is critical.



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All shooting is simultaneous from the same unit. So you would place the frag template before you roll to see if you can move the target with the grapple.


Merged two identical topics to keep replies in one place.

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Sadly under the rules it's not allowed, whichis a shame because the image of a dreadnought dragging an enemy vehicle in with its grapple then blasting it with its cannon is awesome. I'd be inclined to allow it under 'rule of cool.'
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