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Dublin's Grey Knights


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Grey Knights has always been one of those armies that have had that cool look that I like. With the release of the new codex I have taken up the banner of the Grey Knights and intend to plug my way at building a force for the 'Ard Boyz in August. My Grey Knights will probably have to commadier some transports from my SW force and maybe even an extra dreadnaught to get the force up to snuff in time. So far I have only purchased a box of PAGK's, however I will be making a trip to a nearby LGS to pick up the following:


1x Dread Knight

1x Vindi Dread

2x PAGK's

1x Razorback

1x Libby in Termi armor

1x Vindicare


This should keep me busy for a couple of weeks assembling. I also have some old school beret wearing storm troopers, squats and assorted bits to create a unit of henchmen that will accompany an Inquisitor that I am fashioning out of an old DA model.


Below are a few of the GKSS's that I have assembled so far:















any C&C is appreciated



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Just finally got home from my run to the LGS and here is what I picked up:




Now it's time to start work on the Dread Knight. Hope to have something posted up this evening.

It's just a few things to get the army started off. I have to ask what is up with the oval base for the dread knight?? Below is the base done up to accept the eventual model:



I *hate* "drill out your barrels" posts.


your Storm Bolters will probably look better with wider barrels. I generally use the same size as the side holes but everyone has their own tastes. Starting off with tiny holes is a good way to get them even though! I start off with my sculpting needle, then usually a few twists of my sharp triangular head tool, then drill the final size. Going from the needle point hole to one carved with the tool tip is a good way to even out the holes to be sure they line up with each other or single bolter holes are centered. You could do the same by going from pin, to tiny drill bit, to final size. (I don't know the official name of the needle type tool I use or where I even got it, I've had it for so many years, but it's stronger than a pin so I don't know how something else would hold up;)). OR, you could just do what you're doing :HQ: if you're happy with them!


I like the pose on Number One.


The =][= is a clever use of that model.


Great work on the Dread base, I really like it! I don't think I've ever specifically noticed anyone doing re-bar like that with straight cork, looks like it's going to come out cool.

I *hate* "drill out your barrels" posts.


your Storm Bolters will probably look better with wider barrels. I generally use the same size as the side holes but everyone has their own tastes. Starting off with tiny holes is a good way to get them even though! I start off with my sculpting needle, then usually a few twists of my sharp triangular head tool, then drill the final size. Going from the needle point hole to one carved with the tool tip is a good way to even out the holes to be sure they line up with each other or single bolter holes are centered. You could do the same by going from pin, to tiny drill bit, to final size. (I don't know the official name of the needle type tool I use or where I even got it, I've had it for so many years, but it's stronger than a pin so I don't know how something else would hold up;)). OR, you could just do what you're doing :D if you're happy with them!


I agree with you, i did them a bit too quickly as I always tend to have problems drilling storm bolters. I plan to go back and enlarge the barrels a bit. I have 2 more boxes to build so I plan to go slower on the rest and do them right the first time :lol:


Below is how far I got this evening. I'm still pretty 'green' when it comes to using green stuff so I hope to be able to make another pass at it once the current stuff dries.





Well, I have made some progress on the dread knight. It's been assembled and base coated with a blue wash added. Many more layers of paint to go and probably a bit of cussing in the process.


I just noticed in the pic that the knight is leaning forward. The base of the legs are not glued into the feet yet so they allow a lil play in the model while I paint it. Also the weapons are glued in and will be painted seperately at some point in the future.





Loving the work so far. But before you start on that inquisitor (in case you didn't know), that old dark angel model is worth around 50 pounds :lol: .


I like the spear on the dreadknight, very good idea. My one criticism would be the bulkiness of the chest on that thing though. Keep up the good work!

@Mr. Millar um yeah....a couple years too late for that. I had gotten the model for free from someone who couldn't use it in his army. I couldn't make it work in my very short lived DA army and filed off the DA symbol on the cloak a few years ago for a DIY chapter.

Small update....I am procrastinating on the painting right now. I am focussing on getting the purchases assembled as I have a small game this upcoming Saturday. My goal is to field about 1000pts of a mixed GK and henchmen force. Here are a few more knights and dread assembled. Barrels have not been drills and will be done once I get to painting them.


I haven't built any arms yet as I am waiting on a delivery from Forge World of 2 TLAC's






With my first game with the GK's coming up this Saturday I have been in a rush to assemble as many of the GK's as I can. At this point all I need to build are 5 more GKSS's to fill one unit out to 10 and a razorback to transport the 6-man squad. For some reason the Inquisitor has taken a Rhino from the Space Wolves to provide transport to the 10-man squad.


So here are a few pictures:


Group shot:



1/2 of the 10 man squad



6-man squad



Inquisitor with his retinue



a couple of short henchmen toting plasma guns


Hey dude, everything looks really good....a suggestion if i may, the Justicar in the first pic, if you carefully cut the hammer between the top hand and the power cable and rotate the hammer so the head is facing forward, it will look a little more natural, imo.


Cheers and keep it coming,


@ Grotsmasha - thanks for the kind words. I agree if the head of the hammer is rotated it would look much better. I will make this change @ lunch today.


@ mega_marines - they are vertically challenged humaniods, having lived on a high gravity planet that was overrun by bugs.


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