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Mech BA heavy slot?


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Preds...no doubt... vindicators are a good fear factor... and once you get a clean shot without coversaves against that expensive marine squad they are worth gold... but ever gun in the enemies arsenal is gonna point towards them, Better with a predator hanging back shooting stuff, it's cheap for what it does (las sponsours + autocannon main) and you don't have to get to up close as personal with them as you have to do with a vindicator
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Hmmm that's what I was thinking too. If I wanted to include 2x predator and 1x vindicator..would that be ok? I know a lot of ppl say to run 2 vindicator always if you want to run them but I don't see why that is like "a must." I think 2:1 is still good...


What do you guys think about that?

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All depends on the list....they are two VERY different tanks w/ VERY different play styles.





I prefer the Vindicator in my style, but to properly answer this question we really need to know what list. Do you have a link to the rest of the list?

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I field:


Vindicator (no shield)

Vindicator (no shield)

Predator with TLLC, no sponsons


All of them move 12 inches and fire every turn. The predator with the lascannons was an accident really - I picked one up cheap in a trade, and I find it makes an outstanding transport killer. People just ignore it all game, and it sweeps around cleaning stuff up while everyone else is busy.

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Thanks for the suggestions and input guys! I was leaning towards the Predator at the beginning because it has more guns to knock off. For the Vindicator I can picture being very sad when they get a weapon destroyed -_-
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im running a pretty similar 1850 list atm

reclusiarch 5 death company in a land raider redeemer with multi melta

3 assault squads in 2 las plas and an assualt cannon razorbacks

Baal pred with assault cannon and heavy bolters

1 ac/las pred

2 vindicators

1 dc dread in drop pod

1 furioso with frag cannon and melta gun in a droppod


I like the vindicators because it adds pressure to the opponent because strength 10 ap 2 pie plates are a threat to everyone and that coming towards you creates problems with target priority when nearly everything is scary and drop podding or in assault range who do you attack? also atm it seems like grey knights are going to be popular so the ability to kill multi wound paladins in 1 shot is pretty good.

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I'm gonna lend this thread to see if you guys can help me with the same thing.

I am currently running this list;


Gabriel Seth


Assault Squad x10 (may doa depending on game/opponent)

Meltagun x2



Assault Squad x10 (may doa depending on game/opponent)

Meltagun x2



Assault Squad x10 (this one goes in Stormraven with Brother Corbulo and regular Furioso)

Meltagun x2



Brother Corbulo



Extra armour


Furioso Dreadnought


Furioso Librarian



Lascannon sponsons


I also have one Priest with Jumppack in one of the Assault Squads.


So what would work best in this list? To add one Vindicator or to remove the Predator and add 2 Vindicators?

I really want to use på Stormraven since I like it alot, but I am ready to drop Gabriel Seth if needed (he is only in the list for the cool factor).

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It depends on your play style and the types of opponents you face. Personally though I just find the Vindicator owns hands down every time, especially with your list. Pair them off with the Baals and you will have the kind of tag team most players have nightmares about. They will muller anything you task them to. This on its own will force your opponent to deal with them and your DC and RAS can roll up unhurt.


Hell, if you put that list down against me I'd brown my pants there and then. Mind if I steal it :)

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I always take Vindi's over a ACLC Pred if it's a 1 on 1 type decision.. I use a lot of JP troups and the Vindi is a great way to draw heat off them as they move up and into CC


If I'm making a heavy Mech list my Heavy Slots are usually Vindi, Vindi, ACLC Pred ... and if I was going to remove one it would always be the Pred, and I can say when ever an opponent puts a Vindi on the table it always catches my attention.


Just how I make my lists though. ;)

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I'm more on the side of the vindi as I can field Baal predators in the fast section (so that's me sorted for aesthetics) and vindis and baals can do a serious one two combo on anything.. Blow a transport apart with your vindi then mop up the troops with your baals and if the vindi didn't do it right away get in there with your mm attack bikes and open the bitch up, haha sorry ;)
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That's interesting that many of you went to the vindicator.... it's great for scaring people but I find a after 1 weapon destroyed results using a tank that will be effectively just a tank shocked or ramming piece of metal as ineffective. The cheaper and more durable vehicle in my opinion is the best choice.


However as more multi wound models come into play with grey knights it possibly will shift to the vindicator a little bit more. Also note though that Predators with las sponsons have a chance to insta kill those gk terminators or nobs as well...


So imo predators still reign supreme.

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