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sanguinary priests

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So i made up an army list, but then I realized, with all the very clear rules laid out for me, I didn't know some things. well, mainly one thing, If i have a rhino, and in that rhino is a squad of nine RAS, would I be allowed to put a sanguinary priest in there at the same time? More specificly, am i allowed to deploy a rhino with 9 RAS and a sanguinary priest? Or am i forced to find some other mode of transportation for them?
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I put mine in a LRC with Terminators to extend the rage of his Blood Chalice. Also, I like to use the raider as the central point of my army. The anchor where the enemy charge is halted and I swing around to counter attack. The perfect place in, to have furious charge and feel no pain.


In a more shooty list, I run my priest with Jump Pack and in a 10 guys assault squad with a libby.


Just make sure it isn't too easy to kill them, keep them safe, and you should be fine.

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