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I used a black primer... not the best choice for white but that is what they had available. I will go for white next time.


A light grey car primer works well as a compromise. Pure white can be a bit too much for other colors, the reds in particular.

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A black primer is fine for white models all you need to do is put a decent layer of something less dark over that black primer while leaving recesses in the armor the black (for example the armor covering the hip and knee joints). I use Khemri Brown foundation paint from GW to cover black primed area on models I want to paint a light color. It works great as a base color for white, bleached bone, and gold. For yellows the foundation paint Iyanden Darksun works great over black paint and with a bit of wash and a golden yellow highlight makes a pretty bright yellow with minimal work.
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Dhneb stone is a good base for white over a black undercoat. Angels Encarmine would be cool, but if you don't want to do white SGs why not have a coalition of successors for the defence of Baal? They're all gathered there (minus the Lamenters) so you'd have a good excuse.
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